WHEN; December 23 | 7:00 p.m. | City Solutions RATING; G CHARACTERS; Everyone SUMMARY; On behalf of City Solutions- welcome. The party don't start 'til you walk in ♥ LOG; ( ❄ winter wonderland ❄ )
[Rose came with the Doctor (the one with the hair) but she's doing some mingling as well. She's wearing this gown and yes those are gold trainers peeking out from beneath the hem as she walks. She's here with the Doctor. In fact, there are two of them here somewhere. The chances that she's going to end up running at some point during the night are very, very high. She's got a glass of champagne in hand. Please run into her at the bar, ballroom or even the powder room.]
[He glances towards where he thinks the ballroom is out of instinct.] I'm not sure I have, actually. Not something you see everyday - bet that'll make dancing in the ballroom a bit of a trick.
[Those spectacular fireworks you happened to see? None other than the work of Fred and George Weasley. George is milking the networking opportunity as much as he can, mingling with the crowds and handing out cards. That's not going to prevent him having a good time, though. There will definitely be some drinking and dancing. He's in a excellently tailored suit, but still with a Weasley flare..]
[Holy crowds, Batman. Wichita's gotten used to the whole 'these people aren't sick, so there's no need to feel anxious when you're surrounded by them' thing, but right now it seems to be hitting her harder than usual. Her game face is pretty solid though, and it's easy to look comfortable at a party when you're rocking an incredible dress, but underneath it all she's a bundle of nerves, nursing her drink like she actually needs the liquid courage.
Get a grip, Wichita. Or... get another drink.
Mhm, yes, that mental scolding is all she needs to get her to turn back to the bar, thunking her empty glass back on the counter.]
I'll have another, please. The same. --Make it dirty.
Hm? [Wichita looks where the question came from, just making sure it was actually addressed to her.] Oh, it just means add some extra alcohol. Well, a lot of extra alcohol, if they can manage it, without it tasting terrible.
[Lucy can be found wearing this either in the ballroom or the bar area. She came here to dance and drink, okay. She's got her hair down, all curly and bouncy and Lucy. Oh, if you see Neil in a suit, she's responsible for that. You're welcome. Feel free to run into her in either place.]
[ Tessa has been looking forward to this event: It's her first ball, and while she realises that many things are going to be very different from a ball in her own time, it is still a ball. She's bought a new dress only for this, a little flashier and more modern than she is used to, but still close enough to her usual attire to make her feel comfortable wearing it.
She's arrived together with Tim, but she'll be walking around throughout the evening, admiring dresses (and not blushing at the shorter or more revealing ones, no) and the splendour of the location. ]
[Tim is going to sort of hover near Tessa for a while. He's feeling very out of his element dressed in this. He started out with his hair slicked back but it's quickly becoming more Tim looking because of his habit of reaching up and running his fingers through it. He'll feel better once he gets a beer. He puts his hand on the small of Tessa's back.]
You're welcome. Figure, m'doin' all right. I got to come to party with a hot chick.
[He winks at her and guides her through the crowd to the bar.]
You wanna dance after we get somethin' to drink?
[He's not entirely sure he knows how to dance 100% sober...not that he's a hundred percent sober. He had a couple of beers while getting ready. It was pre-gaming.]
Comments 1583
Tony Stark seems to know how to put a good party together when he's of a mind.
Not bad. D'you see the snow in the ballroom?
[He's good with names, him.]
More'n enjoying myself, yeah. Brilliant party, this. You?
Get a grip, Wichita. Or... get another drink.
Mhm, yes, that mental scolding is all she needs to get her to turn back to the bar, thunking her empty glass back on the counter.]
I'll have another, please. The same. --Make it dirty.
Not bad. The gig didn't suck.
She's arrived together with Tim, but she'll be walking around throughout the evening, admiring dresses (and not blushing at the shorter or more revealing ones, no) and the splendour of the location. ]
Let's got check out the bar first.
Thank you for coming here with me. [ And for dressing up. ]
[He winks at her and guides her through the crowd to the bar.]
You wanna dance after we get somethin' to drink?
[He's not entirely sure he knows how to dance 100% sober...not that he's a hundred percent sober. He had a couple of beers while getting ready. It was pre-gaming.]
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