When; January 4th, evening
Rating; R for zombieness
Characters; Asshole rogue (
forourqueen) and lady in distress (
Summary; Gabriel has had enough of the ticking. His solution? Kidnap some company.
Log; (
Remember: Patience. Discipline. )
Comments 17
Watching Cain stroll by, Gabriel sneaks in behind the other man and quickly looks over Cain, mentally checking for any weapons or other things that could sabotage the plan. The cane didn't bother him too much; it didn't seem to be anything like a mage staff or a wand. No, this man was easy pickings.
Turning one of his daggers around, he grins. Time to stop the ticking.
Slamming the pommel of a dagger into someone's head should not be this satisfying, but to a dried-up corpse like Gabriel, it was delicious. Cain's hat might not survive it, but at least the Forsaken man knew how much force would knock someone out... rather than split their skull.
Not yet, it seems.
But he is dimly aware of a foreboding, of a stirring in the air immediately behind him, of someone unseen now far too close.
He starts at that sense and half turns and would mean to swing the silver knob of his walking stick against whoever his attacker (if it is an attacker at all) might be--it's certainly worked before. The question, of course, is whether it is enough and whether it is soon enough.
It hadn't even taken five minutes, and now he was already on his way back to the abandoned and somewhat water-damaged cellar he now used as a base. The ticking was already less annoying, and Gabriel quickly starts the second 'phase' of his plan. Shoving Cain into the nearest corner, he grabs ropes and a nearby chair, as well as a blindfold. It would have been easier to just stick the man's eyes out, but he preferred to not risk the human dying from shock or infection.
...plus the crying. It would be just as annoying as the ticking.
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