Usual rules. No googling the lyrics or whatever, just try to guess from the lyric snippet. One point for title, one for artist. These were all played on the internet radio station I listen to.
1. "New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans, 'cause it's very chic"
"It's fun to eulogize the people you despise, as long as you don't let 'em in your schools"(
acres-and-acres got the artist, Tom Lehrer)
already have the artist on this one
"But during ******** *********** ****, ******** *********** ****, Lena Horne and Sheriff Clarke are dancing cheek to cheek." (name repeated)
2. "A little slow in the brainbox, but he's got a quick right hand"
"Running on the power of a stolen mandolin"
I think this band gets classified as prog rock.
"*** ****, rough boy, wants to be a singer in a band." (only partial name)
The band on this one is Jethro Tull
3. "It felt like a dwarven anvil after a terrible war"
"There were beer mugs spilled on the table, and hobbits lying next to their stools"
Single male filker
"***'* ** ******** **** *******. Sure you'll have a grand time all night long,"
The singer is Marc Gunn
4. "And so become yourself, because the past is just a goodbye"
Teach Your Children Well, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, as (mostly) gotten by
davetheinverted 5. "He's watching you, he'll follow you, he's taking time from the green wood"
"moving through the dappled light stands the horned man"
This is by a fairly pagan-y group, I think with 6 members.
"You'll hear his tune, it's on the wind, it's the pipes of ***"
The band is Spiral Dance
(next song skipped due to probable confusion--Jonathan Coulton's rendition of Baby Got Back...)
6. "My cousin lives in town, and we'll be crashing at his place, unless his girlfriend’s home from college and she’s staying for the weekend"
"And, sad to say, as of today, no panties have been thrown"
By a rather funny filk duo.
"We are the ******* ****, We are here to do five or six or seven songs"
This one's by Paul and Storm.
7. "And a couple of custom models that were only used in one star war"
"With every C-P- U you buy, get a floppy disk completely free!"
Another single male filker
"When *******'* ******** rolls around, We hold our annual Shopping Spree" (only partial name)
The singer is Steve Savitzky
8. "You can play the horn like Satchmo, show Bing a thing or two about crooning"
6-String Love, by Vixy and Tony, as gotten by
chatworthy 9. "You drive everybody crazy, you're hopelessly fat and lazy"
"You're feeding your face, you're taking up space"
This is by a person or group that I think is generally known for comedic and/or satirical songs.
"** **** *** *****'* ****** **** **, We're not happy you're here."
This one's by Bob Rivers
10. "Well, that disgusting noise you make when you laugh gives me a throbbing migraine"
"How much more can I take now, give me a break now, you even snore when you're wide awake now" (
acres-and-acres got the artist, Weird Al)
Again, artist already identified, but not the song.
"'Cause baby, I yi yi yi yi, *'* ** **** ** ***"
Btw, I will be adding an increasing series of hints to the as-yet-ungotten ones soonish, starting with an additional quote from the original.
Next hint is an indication of the type or category of the artist or band.
I'm determined to get people to guess these. Now for quotes with part or all of the title in the line, but ****ed out.
Next hint will be flat-out stating the artist or band (where not already identified).
I'm pretty much out of hints, short of "sounds like" or crossword-puzzle type clues.