Mar 15, 2008 10:43

Answers to some of the questions that you may have. Also feel free to ask any questions you may have here or by asking one of the mods~ We're more than happy to help out~

1. What if my character isn't human or has powers?
All characters in Tanagura are human now. You can address their powers in a different manner, for example by making it an interest, or a capability that they have. No one is immortal here. Some unique traits can be explained by the fact of science here. Yes, scientific experimentation is possible. But as it was said -- immortality is unattainable.

2. Just what is this business about hair colors?
This society divides citizens up like that. Those with darker hair are seen at the bottom string, those with paler hair colors are at the top string of society. Those at the bottom should expect a heavier prejudice.

3. Wait a second...my character can change hair colors? For example, from black to blond.
Most often, that isn't a human trait, so go with one or the other. We will likely say what color is most frequently seen in canon is the one to chose.

4. Speaking of changing, my character has two personalities?
You are always welcome to chose to play one or the other, as some people enjoy playing both personalities, and some enjoy playing only one. However, if you chose to play both, and the hair color changes from personality to personality (ie: Yoko Kurama and Shuuichi), you will go with the darker of the colors.

5. Okay, so my character has black hair, do they have to be poor?
Obviously there is going to be different levels of people in the lower class, however, when it comes to comparing them to other classes, they will, most definitely -- be the ones with the least amount of resources.

6. My character wants to break the law, what will happen?
For every action in Tanagura, there is a consequence. If you break the law, kill someone, or have things you shouldn't, characters will face the consequences. However, this shouldn't make you afraid to break the law, but don't expect that if you kill several people, you won't have people hunting you down.

7. Wait a second...kill?
If your character dies, they will be dead, Tanagura isn't magical, however, we are very scientific. And for death, there is a hefty cost that will be paid to be revived. For dark haired people, it will be exceedingly difficult to obtain and they may have to sign themselves over to someone of the light haired group. It will be fully discussed here. Also, please contact a mod if your character will die to work on arrangements.

8. So my character has black hair, what kind of jobs can they find?
To be honest, it is hard to find a job as a dark hair, and even when they do, they won't make much money. They would be considered inexpensive help. For a list of possible jobs for every other class, please refer to the city information.

8. Siblings, children and parents, what happens if they have different colors?
If a dark haired parent has a light haired child, they'll be given to the upper class. If a light haired parent has a dark haired child, they're given to the lower class. Siblings will be separated, and chances are they won't even know the other exists.

9. So, is this game for yaoi only or what?
This game is tolerant of yaoi, yuri, het, etc. However, we are not making sex itself a focal point of the game. It will happen, and it might not be pretty, but this is not a dating game.

!mod, *faq

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