I put in a ticket regarding the bug on the Conqueror's Kirin Tor chest piece that gives me a pair of pants that do not exist. That's right. Even if I'm wearing no pants, it puts pants on me. They're not even the right pants. They're some model I've never even seen before.
So they responded with advice on how to fix graphical errors.
It's on EVERYONE ELSE'S SCREEN, TOO. Yeah, but I've got graphical errors.
Actually, that's pretty low on my list of priorities. I'd much rather be able to see your FRACKING DUNGEON CONTENT THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME. "Additional instances cannot be launched" my ass. You fuckers changed something. The lag was noticeable in Naxx, but how is this the fix? Really? Honestly? If you want to put people in a line to get into a dungeon, fine, but do it with a goddamn queue system, and stop making us run back and forth in an invisible door for hours on end hoping for a chance to PLAY THE GAME. Argh.
Yeah, I haven't slept yet, lalala. Despite a night of continuous huge lag spikes and random disconnects that could not be fixed with powercycling or system restarts. And I'm pretty sure it's on my end, or I would have heard something. But Mak can make belt buckles now! I'm surprised yer still spyin' Doug! I have an 80 warrior now. XD