Name of Qia on the... something server, I don't know. It's on Jemy's account, so I'll probably not play her after today, since I finally got it set up on my own account. Start from scratch, wheeee. Although I might pick up Templar again, since it's kinda pretty fun, I dunno.
Most of her is fairly average. Just took the built in "athletic build", slightly shorter than usual, and all the facial sliders were in midline with the default/random face I'd picked after messing with the colors a bit, except...
I found out how to use the eye sliders at extreme ends to give her that QQ face, and it amused me so much I stuck with it. I didn't really take any screenshots other than that, though. But she looks like that all the time. That's right. She's a winged hero demi-goddess thing dressed in full plate with a big sword and shield. And permanent QQ face.
My other enjoyed character type has been the heavyset model slightly short that I used for my Elyos Priest that I didn't play very much just when the Templar's server was down. Jemy said she looked like Dawn French. Maybe if Dawn French were pale greenish and kind of squeaky and ran around in high heels hitting things with hammers. Actually, I wouldn't put that past her. But I didn't take any screenshots~
Today, I get to make new ones for my own account!