last night john helped me out with my homework for my copywriting class. we had to read like a million pages, and with my dislexeia i don't comprehend what i read. so john read to me!!! it was fun... even though he thought i was falling asleep, i wasn't.
i took this picuture of us last night....
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john got us tickets to see the nutcracker on the 17th at the dayton ballet's schuster center (down town). i'm so excited to go. i got a make-up appt at 3:30 (he's picking me up at 5-5:30). the other day he asked me to his cousin's wedding in january, then asked me to his dad's side, Christmas dinner on the 24th.... the 18th is his company's Chistmas party and he asked me to that. i'm so excited!!! he calles me beautiful, and he loves my smile!
i'm seeing the stars in the heavens! i'm so happy
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