19 days till christmas

Dec 06, 2004 17:37

[] I wish I was a different ethnicity.
[X] I prefer winter over summer.
[] I get drunk easily.
[] I have smoked weed.
[] I brush my hair at least 50 times a night.
[] I am religious.
[X] I am not religious but have morals.
[X] I lie frequently.
[] I am impulsive.
[] I am hardworking.
[] She's All That is one of my favorite movies.
[X] I am good at History.
[] I speak more than two languages.
[X] I enjoy taking pictures.
[X] I like spending money on myself.
[X] I like spending money on others.
[] I have a regular income.
[] I earn money on a job-by-job basis.
[] I pay my own bills.
[X] I rely on my parents for money.
[X] I can cook.
[] I enjoy cleaning.
[] Tidyness is a must in my life.
[] I like clutter.
[] My idea of good music is Britney Spears.
[] I am fashion-conscious.
[] I have good taste.
[] People tell me I have good taste.
[] I am told I have yet to fulfill my potential.
[X] I am creative.
[] I am artistically inclined.
[] I want to be an artist when I grow up.
[] I want to be an engineer when I grow up.
[X] I eat when I'm upset.
[X] I cannot adapt to change.
[] I am interested in politics.
[] I have shoplifted.
[X] I download MP3s.
[] I've gone underage clubbing.
[X] I can swim.
[X] I enjoy surveys.
[X] I enjoy surveys when I'm bored.
[X] I keep a journal.
[X] I enjoy controversy.
[X] I can be a bitch/bastard.
[] I have a thing for bad boys/girls.
[] I have tattoos.
[] I've been in a nudist colony.
[X] I'm not sure if I want to have children.
[] I'm not sure if I'll get married.
[] I know who I will marry.
[X] I have a crush on someone
[sure why not] I am interesting.
[X but i dont call it lying i call it acting =)] I am a good liar.
[] People enjoy talking to me. (who knows?)
[X] I annoy people from time to time.
[] I am a born leader.
[] I am a born leader but shouldn't lead.
[] I've snuck out of the house.
[] I have a foot fetish.
[] I have a shoe fetish.
[x] I watch Sex and the City.
[] I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker is pretty.
[] I want to be J.Lo.
[X] I hate people who pretend to be suicidal.
[X] I hate popular people.
[] I think cheerleading is a sport.
[during poker, yes.] I smile all the time.
[] I'm photogenic.
[X] I think graffiti is art.
[] I have dated a criminal.
[X] I have been cheated on.
[] I have cheated on someone.
[X] I have a temper.
[X] I like playgrounds.
[] I dance in the rain.
[] My favorite color is pink.
[one of them] My favorite color is black.
[X] I'm musically inclined.
[X] I LOVE/like listening to music.
[X] I like flip-flops.
[X] I know what monogamy is.
[] I want to be a social worker when I grow up.
[X] I have siblings.

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