Title: The World Ends With You Rating/Warnings: Gen, PG-13 Characters: Sam, Lucifer, Dean, Castiel Spoilers: 5x04+ Summary: Sam comes back to life with a gasp, choking on a mouthful of blood. Word Count: 6000 words
Oh my gosh, that was just stunning. <3 I loved loved loved Sam in this, how he'd die over and over if it meant Lucifer not getting to him. And Deeaaaan and Caaaas and ♥♥♥!!!
I am absolutely in love with this story. All of the emotions are so completely raw - you don't sugar coat anything. Sam's suicide attempts, the hunter's and demon's attempts to kill him and the way he uses his scars to count the number of times he's died make me ache for him. And I love love LOVE his and Castiel's interactions - when Sam (and I) realized Dean was actually Castiel, I gasped. A fantastic look on what could have happened this season.
Oh my God, this is so sad! I can easily see Sam doing all of this to try and fix what he thinks he started. The fact that they're together at the end makes me all hopeful but what Lucifer said about how Dean will never say Yes (very insightful, by the way, kudos to you) rings awfully true. Fantastic job on this!
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