Title: Five Lives the Sky Pirate Balthier Never Lived Rating: AU. Gen. Summary: Ashe draws the line when he tries to steal her ship. 376 words. Author's Notes: Part 2 of 5.
Title: Five Lives the Sky Pirate Balthier Never Lived Rating: AU. Balthier/Fran. Summary: Cid's son grows up to be everything his father never wanted him to be. 1028 words. Author's Notes: Let the AU circus begin! Part 1 of 5.
So, the opera was wonderful, of course. There was a surprising amount of Russians in the audience, but then once I actually thought about it (the opera being in Russian and all) it made sense. The only thing was there was this annoying guy behind me who was talking during the first act until the woman next to me shushed him really loudly and then
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Slowly, slowly, slowly working my way through this awful flu or whatever the hell it is. It's out of my lungs and throat but it's settled into my nose. I'm not sure what's worse. The throat was pretty bad, but so's my nose running like a leaky faucet. Ugh.
I forgot to mention that I bought this medicine in an effort to clear out my chest. The nurse at the doctor's office told me to buy some Mucinex to loosen up the phlegm in my chest. But my mom got really, really sick from it. So, I thought I would buy something that wasn't as strong as Mucinex. Mucinex has 1200mg of Guaifenesin in it. Waaaaay
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Laura Roslin, people? I'm dying here of bronchitis and you guys break my heart with Laura Roslin? Damnit, I've got good money on Gaius Baltar and I need somebody to tell me how I can be wrong about that.