Being Apart

Nov 13, 2009 20:55

Title: Being A Part
Author: xoxo_nat_xx
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Ratings: PG
Summary: Eunhyuk leaves for the United States to further his passion in dancing, and Donghae is left in Korea. It's hard not seeing each other, but they survive by with emails. Until, the emails from a certain someone started to diminish, and disappear...

The group of friends stopped in front of the gate, and glances were exchanged briefly. Eunhyuk stared down at the passport in his hands, a little reluctant to see the eminent goodbyes evident in his friends' eyes. Sungmin attempted to put on a smile, and Kyuhyun squeezed his hand reassuringly, encouraging him.

"Eunhyuk, take care of yourself in New York, okay? And don't tire yourself out too much. And remember to write back frequently, update us about your status, how you are fitting in, your dormitory, your friends, your curriculum-" Sungmin trailed off, as he received another squeeze on his hand to stop him from talking. He then quickly looked down, trying to disguise his shining eyes by directing them to a random spot on the floor of the airport.

Eunhyuk nodded, a brief smile lighting up his face. He somehow thought this as a very heartwarming scene; his friends sending him off as he prepares to embark on his college life in the United States. Eunhyuk then cast a worried glance to the person standing beside him; the latter had been quiet since they stepped into the airport, and his eyes were constantly glued to the floor, a slightly down aura surrounding him.

Sungmin nodded, stepping forward to offer a hug to Eunhyuk, wondering when he would be able to see this friend of his again. Sighing imperceptibly, he drew back, and nodded.

"Kyuhyun, let's go. We leave some time…to them." Sungmin murmured, grabbing the other's hand and dragging him away, forcing Kyuhyun to give a half-hearted wave before being pulled in the opposite direction.

Eunhyuk bit down on his lips; he didn't know how to approach this situation. He spent several nights imagining the possible scenarios, but he hadn't found one way to part with this guy; it was just too hard.

"Donghae…" Eunhyuk coaxed, trying to get a smile from this guy, who had a glum look.

"Donghae, I-" Eunhyuk was cut off abruptly, as Donghae pulled him into his embrace, hiding his face between the crook of Eunhyuk's shoulder and neck. Eunhyuk could feel the slight trembles coming from Donghae, and he hesitantly wrapped his hands around Donghae, trying his best to console him, for one last time for the following four years.

"Eunhyuk, remember, remember our graduation buttons, okay?" Donghae choked out the words, and Eunhyuk had to strain his ears to understand Donghae's question. He nodded carefully, lifting one of his hands to stroke Donghae's back in a comforting gesture. He pulled back slightly, using his thumbs to wipe the tears that had rolled down the other's cheeks.

"Don't be so glum now…cheer up!" Eunhyuk tried, plastering a smile on his own face as well. He lifted the sides of Donghae's lips up, and stared at it for a while, appraising the smile. He shook his head and frowned teasingly at Donghae, earning a mock punch in his arm. As he ducked down to soothe his forearm, he was glad that Donghae had finally broken out into a smile, an undeniable, bright and true grin on the other's face.

"We still have skype, we still can keep in contact with each other through emails and stuff okay! And don't you dare forget me!" Eunhyuk attempted to threaten Donghae a little, only to be met with a raised eyebrow and oncoming chuckles escaping from the both of them. As their laughter died down, Donghae stared into the eyes, those eyes that he has become so familiar with for the past few years. It was difficult to accept that he would never look into the same pair of eyes for another four years; he cannot imagine it, at all.

"I wouldn't…" Donghae mumbled, pulling Eunhyuk in for a hug again. Eunhyuk laughed quietly beside Donghae's ear, inhaling Donghae's scent for one last time. They remained in that position for a few more minutes, before Donghae reluctantly pulled back, knowing that it was time for Eunhyuk to board his plane for the States.

"Take care, okay?" Donghae murmured softly, his hand still clutching onto Eunhyuk's. Eunhyuk smiled, and Donghae was instantly reminded that he would really, really miss this smile. Raising his hand to caress Donghae's face one more time, he nodded his reply, and exhaled sharply. He wouldn't find the heart and the courage to leave, if he continued. Drawing his hand out of Donghae's grasp, Eunhyuk turned and walked towards the gate, throwing one last glance over his shoulder.

He would never forget the scene, for the next four years, ever. Donghae, standing there, looking slightly lost, slightly alone, in the middle of this vast, huge concourse, it made him want to run back immediately to hold him tightly and never let him go. But he had to, he knew he had to, when he accepted the position in Juilliard.


Dear Hae,

Guess what! The weather here is great! And the environment, it's really wonderful! Everyone's an aspiring dancer, and they work hard for their dreams, propelling me further on to achieve my dream as well! I wish you could be here though, and that's the only bummer….I wonder how you are at Korea now? Be fine and take care okay?

Love, Hyuk.


Dear Hyuk!

I'm fine here! Sungmin and Kyuhyun are fine too! Don't worry too much about us! We haven't started our university courses, yet, as you know. It's kind of sad that we can't spend this break together, as you had to leave for the special advancement programme for 3 months. I miss you loads, and don't tire yourself out alright! 3 years and 363 days and counting!

Love, Hae.


Dear Hae!

Nah, I'm not tiring out myself! Writing to you actually helps me to relieve some stress, and I really enjoy writing back to you. Miss you too…how's life over there? What are you going to do during this break? Training sessions here are tough, but it seems like how we used to dance in the dance studio in our high school! I wonder why you didn't apply for Juilliard along with me, you would have gotten a scholarship immediately! 3 years and 360 days and counting!

Love, Hyuk.


Dear Hae,

I hope you are okay these few days! Perhaps you are busy with your own stuff in Korea these days? I was looking forward to your reply though, but I don't mind, as long as you are safe and healthy. Don't need to rush out a reply, take your time, your health comes first, okay? Take care alright? Love you. 3 years and 345 days and counting!

Love, Hyuk.


Dear Hae,

Has something happened? You are frightening me with the lack of replies. Is everything okay in Korea? I tried emailing Sungmin to ask him about you, but he is very evasive in his replies. Did something really happen? Are you okay? Have you fallen sick? Nurse yourself back to health okay? Take care, you always need someone around you to boss you around. Now that I'm in the States, I will try my best to continue bossing you around, through emails! Love you. A lot. 3 years and 330 days and counting!

Love, Hyuk.


Dear Hyuk,

I'm fine. Just a little tired to reply your messages these few days. Am quite busy with some stuff. Love you.

Love, Hae.


Dear Hae,

It's okay! But don't ever neglect your health, alright? Love you. 3 years, 298 days, and counting.

Love, Hyuk.


Dear Hae,

I miss you.

Love, Hyuk.


Eunhyuk sighed to himself, as he pressed the 'send' button to send his email to Donghae. 3 years, 280 days left to see Donghae again. The semester was going to start soon, but these days he couldn't focus on his dancing sessions. The mysterious lack of replies from Donghae was astonishing, it didn't seem possible that Donghae would not reply to his emails. He slumped onto his computer table, placing his forehead on his forearms as he thought of the possible situations that could have happened. Closing his eyes, he mentally smacked himself, trying to forget about his worries.

He had not explicitly stated that he wanted Donghae to wait for him, he realized. Sighing again, Eunhyuk sat up straight, taking a piece of paper and a pencil, and started doodling on the blank piece of paper. He thought that perhaps Donghae did feel an equal intensity of feelings as him, so deep and intense that he didn't need to ask Donghae to wait for him. But if Donghae had moved on, Eunhyuk would accept it, and with all his heart, hope for the best for Donghae.

Images of Donghae with some other random girl flashed through his head, and Eunhyuk hurriedly shook his head furiously to get rid of those pictures. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, taking in a deep breath.

"I must be too tired…thinking of such stuff…" Eunhyuk thought to himself, standing up and stretching slightly. He walked over to his bed and lay down, staring right up at the ceiling. It was comforting at times that he had this room all to himself, he could daydream all he want, and not be bothered by some annoying roommate, or worse, be teased by some roommate for not taking an interest in the girls in the States. However, it was frighteningly lonely; the nights could overwhelm him at times.

Throwing an arm over his eyes to partially block the glare from the ceiling light, Eunhyuk fell into a fitful sleep.


Eunhyuk was awakened by a persistent knocking on his door, and he grumbled slightly, turning onto his side to try to block out the noise. The knocking continued, and gradually grew louder, until it was too hard to tune out the noise created by that unknown stranger. Eunhyuk pulled himself out of bed reluctantly, and walked over to the door to throw it open.

"Get away from my door…" he mumbled, still half-asleep as he stared at the stranger through half-opened eyes. Eunhyuk then turned back and flopped himself onto the bed, snuggling his face into the pillows to try to convince himself to sleep again. He then felt a dip as someone sat on his bed, a little too close for his liking. Affronted, and really annoyed, he sat up on his bed to confront the unknown stranger.

Who was actually someone he knew, after all.

"Shit, I'm hallucinating." Eunhyuk slapped himself, hard, on his face, trying to wake himself up from this dream. Donghae raised an eyebrow at the sight of Eunhyuk torturing himself, but made no move to stop Eunhyuk, half-smirking and half-laughing at the scene before him. After minutes of self-torture, Eunhyuk stopped and just settled for gaping at Donghae.

Donghae rolled his eyes and pushed Eunhyuk a little, jolting him out of his trance.

"You…why…you….here…." Eunhyuk mumbled out incoherently, his brain refusing to process the words for him.

Wordlessly, Donghae held up pieces of papers in his hands, which Eunhyuk promptly snatched to take a closer look.

"……YOU APPLIED AND GOT ACCEPTED TOO?!?! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME WITH ME? YOU MADE ME A TOTAL WRECK FOR DAYS!" Eunhyuk screamed at the figure in front of him, who sat calmly throughout the whole storm.

"…It's…a surprise? Uhm. Surprised?" Donghae attempted, widening his eyes for good measure.

"I was having difficulty with the applications…and I had to attend auditions…and I didn’t have time to reply to your messages because I was so caught up in applying to this school so I could see you earlier and then I wouldn't have to miss you this much and think of what to reply to you every single day because I want to tell you everything that happened in that day but it would take ages to write everything out so I had to sieve through and select some-" Donghae cut off, as Eunhyuk lifted a finger to signal that he was talking too much.

"I'm glad you're here. I miss you." Eunhyuk stated, as he promptly hugged Donghae tightly. It was hard to describe in words, but Eunhyuk thought he felt so much at that moment that he could burst with the passion of his emotions. He buried his face into Donghae's shoulder, and chuckled slightly, wondering at the reversal of roles at the airport in Korea.

"What's funny?" Donghae murmured softly, as he threaded his fingers into Eunhyuk's hair. Eunhyuk shook his head softly, and continued to hide his face from Donghae's view, so that the blush on his face was not that prominent.

"I miss you too." Donghae then murmured into Eunhyuk's hair, hugging this person in front of him even closer, never wanting to let him go.

A playful glint lit up in Eunhyuk's eyes as he pulled back, staring at Donghae.

"Come on, let's go for class together today! I have to let everyone know that I own the newcomer totally!"


A/N: I'm officially locking up my computer after this post, because I need to concentrate on my A levels! Thank you for being wonderful commentators so far! And do remember me alright! ^^

Will be back, on the 3rd of December.

pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin!, focus: eunhyuk!~, genre: romance o.o, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!, genre: au o.o, length: woah it's a one-shot!, rating: pg, genre: bffery o.o

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