Title: Vacation diaries
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Everyone
Ratings: G
Summary: Everyone leaves a track on Eunhyuk's personal diary!
Eunhyuk walks out from the kitchen into the living room, holding onto a bottle of strawberry milk, his face in a picture of consternation. He has been looking high and low for his diary, the one that he had just updated before he went to bathe. He is pretty sure that the diary is in this vacation house, and is just somewhere near, just that he had probably misplaced it when keeping the diary well. He walks over to the sofa and sits down, sipping on the milk, racking his brains hard. He sighs when he realises that it is probably another gone-case, just like how the previous diaries had gone missing as well... He reaches for the remote control to switch the television on, as some of the other members are already sleeping, or currently gaming and shouting wildly in Kyuhyun's room. Who else? Enuhyuk thought to himself, smiling at the games Kyuhyun had brought for this vacation. His eyes rest on a familiar-looking book on the table top, and he freezes.
Isn't this ..... MY DIARY? He snatches it up immediately and holds it close to his chest, peeking around carefully and furtively to make sure that no one had seen that gesture. Faking a normal cough as if attempting to clear his throat a little, he pulls the diary downwards and places it on his lap, at the same time savouring the strawberry flavour in his mouth.
He opens the book a little, but not before making sure that the coast was really clear. You know, sometimes that Heechul-hyung can pop up anywhere and come sneaking into my private belongings. Eunhyuk muttered to himself, flipping the book open a little. He turns the book right to the page where he knows he had just posted in, and heaves a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was untainted and still pristine, without any visible signs of abuse on it. He smiles just a little, looking at the post he has just written down.
Dear Diary,
Anneohaseyo! I'm back again, Anchovy Eunhyuk!~ (Although I don't say that to anyone at all shhh....) I waited so long for this day, and it's finally here! Going on a vacation with members of Super Junior, we have definitely waited too long for this day to come!!! :) The most memorable thing about today is probably how we are able to relax and finally let go of our inhibitions and burdens here, letting our personalities run free and deep, without being restricted by this or that as stated in the company laws. It's fun to finally play around with your friends as if all of us are just young kids who love some fun and mischief. Getting older doesn't help T_T (And being 24 is not old! >:( That Ryeowook keeps on insisting that I'm old. Wait till Teukie-hyung hears about that hehehe.) I love this precious moment, where we share too few of them together. Just playing together, messing around, or even eating peacefully, just cracking jokes and lightening the atmosphere, I wish all the members of Super Junior are here today! But sadly, Yesung, Shindong and Hankyung seem to have disappeared due to their schedules. Oh noooo~ =( Never mind, I will write this all down in my diary here, and tell them about this vacation when we go back home. And when we return to our dorms, I want to continue this feeling, making it eternal and everlasting~ ^^ Never forget our true selves even though we are buried by tons of work, never forget our true characters even when circumstances force us to behave otherwise, never forget our friends, because they are the only things that keep my hold on reality and the true me now.
Oh my! Why is it so emotional? Hahaha. I shall write again when I come back from my bathe and my milk!~ See you later~~~
Eunhyukkie (The best looking guy in Super Junior, I always knew it ^^)
Eunhyuk rubs his eyes a little, shaking his head to clear his vision. He stares at the bottom of the page again, closing his eyes, opening them, and stares at the bottom of the page again. He freezes once again, as he notices this small sentence that has never been there, and Eunhyuk was positive that he did not write that line at all, there is completely no incentive for him to even attempt to think about it at all!
P.S. Eunhyuk, you think a bit too much. It's pretty clear that Lee Donghae here, is the most handsome guy in the whole wide world ^^. To find out the truth, you can probably turn the page hahaha.)
Eunhyuk fingers the page nervously, wondering what surprise Donghae had planned for him behind. He lifts his gaze to the front of the living room, pondering over the possible outcomes that could happen to him if he flips it open. Sighing, he places the book face up on the table, covers his eyes (and face) with one palm, and nudging the page over with his forefinger of his right hand, effectively turning the page around. Eunhyuk ducks almost immediately, waiting for the prank to play out. As nothing happens (not even a bang or a puff of white smoke or anything), Eunhyuk approaches his diary cautiously, wondering at his own attitude towards his own diary. Oh yes, Donghae touched it..... Staring down at the paper in front of him, he refuses to believe his eyes.
I'm HIS ONE AND ONLY BEST FRIEND LEE DONGHAE! (Because he is so anti-social hehe) *nods furiously* I agree with what Eunhyuk had said in the previous page, I do concur *adopts a smart, professional doctor tone*. He just forgot to add in the part when we reached this place in the morning! The bus trip here was totally fabulous, playing silly games with other members, especially Kibum, his busy schedule finally allows him some breather to come spend time with us!~ <3s him. (Don't be jealous Eunhyuk. <3s you too!) Playing games such as scissors paper stone, or even just doing random stuff like trying to make each other laugh and earn points by doing so, so that whoever loses will have to treat the others to dinner here! I couldn't admit then, my stomach was totally in pain because I was clenching so hard trying not to burst out laughing! I think I at least gained a few more muscles at my stomach area. *pokes pokes* Perhaps Eunhyuk should try it too! Gain some more muscles and then effectively a few more fans~ and I would probably feel better doing fanservice with you you know! You being so skinny makes me feel like the guy in the relationship all the time, even though it's true, but yeah, don't make it so obvious! HAHA. Yay EUNHAE LOVE. Times with super junior are so hard to get, just like finding diamonds in a pig trough, just like how a fish cannot be separated from its water, just like a certain monkey guy named Lee Hyukjae cannot be separated from his strawberry milk or he will kill me.
I have a confession to make. I took one of the milk bottles and drank it without your permission. Sorry! *Goes running around the room to hide from beastly monster Eunhyuk*
Eunhyuk laughs at the haphazardly drawn monkey aka monkey aka Eunhyuk at the bottom of the page, before stopping abruptly and clapping a hand over his mouth, to prevent any random outburst that may have captured the attention of some member who hasn't fallen in to dreamland totally yet. Placing his cup on the table (Yummy strawberry flavour!), he picks up the book once again, smiling at the description Donghae has given. He flips to the next page, only to stare at it in shock again yes again, when he notices more handwriting on the page.
Eunhyuk!~ Hae just took out your diary and we just started looking through it! Do you have no life or what? This vacation is actually your first post in this diary? Aww man. You should have seen mine, not like I'm going to let you see mine ANYWAY. :) That's what dongsaengs are for. *Gives a mock punch into the air* Anyway, *sobs*, I would like to confess my gratitude and appreciation of Super Junior. *adopts a serious and solemn expression* (HEY! I'm really serious here!) Everytime I am so busy with my own acting schedule, every time I see Eeteuk on television holding on to a new trophy, proudly exclaiming to me that we have once again done it, with our minds and souls, even though I'm so far apart from you guys, and so separated as compared to the past. I guess I'm selfish, am I, hyung? Not being able to choose between both passions, for acting and passion for Super Junior! Hahaha, I'm enjoying best of both worlds, and I refuse to give either of them up!~ Thank you for still accepting me for who I am, even though I know I can be a little obnoxious at times, a little quiet and sarcastic at times, a little unbearable at times. Thank you for still treating me as a part of this wonderful family, calling and checking up on me every single day whenver you guys have the time. I normally would say something like STOP NAGGING ME, but deep down, I really love the way you guys show and shower concern and care. I love you guys (NOT IN THE GAY SENSE), I really love Super Junior!
Hyung, stop leaving your book around okay? Donghae is threatening to show it to all the other members in the dorm now~ be careful! Note to self: Hae is a very cunning and tricky person.
KIBUMMIEEE! (Your favourite dongsaeng in the whole wide world *adopts a gummy teeth smile*)
P.S. HRMPH. EUNHYUK-HYUNG! He is not your favourite right? It should be me right? Kyuhyun? RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT?.....
as it overlaps in to the other page
....RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT? *shows puppy eyes that Donghae-hyung always manages to do it whenever he summons that expression onto his face* ANYWAY, *waves hand* HEY DIARY! EUNHYUK'S FAVOURITE DONGSAENG IS ME. CHO KYUHYUN. And pardon me for not using formal language.
Because.....I bring games and entertainment and laughter into his life. So without me, he will definitely be an old boring prick sitting in front of the television or computer watching dance videos and choreographing random dance moves of those in his head. I love vacations! They are so carefree! I'm so glad I brought my games along with me today. The best part of today.....would probably be when I played StarCraft with all my hyungs! (the benefit of being the magnae is to force or coerce your hyungs to listen to you and beg them until they give in, because that is what hyungs are supposed to do! ^^ v) Eunhyuk-hyung, being the very gullible and naive hyung (stop being so naive okay!), actually sat down and pleaded with the other members to all stay at home just for me to play. THANK YOU EUNHYUKKIE! *promises to make it up with a carton of strawberry milk* Enjoying a simple game and pitting myself against the hyungs, I really love it when you can just see the camaraderie we share in this group, the closeness of our ties and the strength of our binds, wound tightly around our hearts, pulling us together in one tug called destiny/fate. I really love you guys, and I remember the time when you guys visited me every single day because of that incident, which I'm so thankful to all of you people. You people gave me the feeling of a home when my family is far away, you guys substitute and bring joy to my life. Without you guys, there is no Cho Kyuhyun who can bring happiness back into your lives. What I am doing now, is just what you are doing to me. ^^ Thanks Eunhyuk.
HYUNG! I noticed Kyuhyun grinning wildly and madly at this notebook when he was writing, so I promptly snatched it out of his hands to note that it is not porn (thank goodness), but I froze immediately when I saw that it belonged to you. ^^ (pardon my lack of informal language okay?) Today is probably one of the best days ever ever ever! After Supershow II, we finally have time to relax and catch up with each other. I especially love the dinner today, although Kyuhyun is going to bug me for the rest of the week, because his fans were the ones who brought the meat and rice enough to feed at least 60 of us. But I forgot that when Eunhyuk is included, it sort of becomes only enough for perhaps 30 people? You EAT SO MUCH, and I don't know where all those stuff go to. Sitting down during dinner for a face-to-face chat with the other hyungs was fun. I used to be this shy, little kid, withdrawn into my shell and not talking much at all. I remember the first day you came in to the studio, noting my downcast face, before pulling me up immediately to showcase your dancing skills. You claim that you want recognition, but I know you are trying to cheer me up! Thank you hyung, you are one of the best-est ever, even better than Heechul-hyung at times! (Don't let him see this please or lese he will kill me thank you very much T_T) I love your diary, so please keep it properly and safely, to prevent Kyuhyun from finding it ever again. Oh my and I can't guarantee what will or will not happen to it the next time it lands into someone else's hands.
RYEOWOOKIE!~ <3s you hyung!
RYEOWOOK, YOU ARE SO DEAD. I SEE MY NAME THERE AND I'M NOT ONE OF THE BEST-EST HYUNG EVER? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! *crosses arms furiously* the next time I see you I will get Hankyung-hyung to chase after you and haunt you down personally, and you will have to make food for me every single meal because I will force you to, I will turn away Hankyung's Beijing fried rice!
Oh hey Eunhyuk! *waves* Remember the times during Intimate Note? Where they kind of forced us to be closer to each other. I have to say that we are indeed now much closer to each other than before, which is a good thing, right? At least Heebum likes you now. Before that, she will always retract her claws only when you leave the room or something. Heh. Anyway....I was thinking...thank you for being a part of Super Junior. Even though I may not express this openly at times, even though I may try to stand out so much at times, even though I don't seem like I care about this group at all, I really appreciate all of you, because every single different individual is what brings Super Junior to life, is what gives Suju its unique flavour that has our fans craving for more of it. Seeing how all of us pose different in the photo we took earlier, I am reminded of this, and I'm glad that we are like this. It would definitely be too weird if everyone is like the great Heechul-hyung right?? No, that cannot happen because there is a one and only Heechul-hyung in Super Junior. Now, don't get angry that I snatched the meat just now! It was the last piece we brought out onto the table, and everyone was too lazy to go in and get more! And seeing that you have already eaten like nearly half of the meat, it doesn't hurt to spare your hyung some right? I know you wouldn't mind, just like how I wear my red pants to dance and you will still take in your stride ^^ Thank you Eunhyuk, for being this funny and naive guy with a cheerful personality. Keep it always.
Uhm. Hey diary?
That feels weird. Alright Eunhyuk, I just saw Heechul writing something in here with tears in his eyes and I finally understood what's wrong here. He actually wrote such a moving piece that I nearly didn't want to write here because his post would make a fitting end to this diary. But then I thought that you will still continue to write anyway because you wouldn't really appreciate the nuances of his writing, so might as well. Hah. Anyway, I'm really really glad that I joined Super Junior and became good friends with Donghae and you. You two funny and silly guys never fail to cheer me up anytime, even when Heechul-hyung is in a bad mood and has her his claws out like Heebum. I love our mindless chatter at times, just like how all of us just got together after taking the picture to kick some football here and there, and then go skinny dipping >.< (I think this is probably the worst thing Heechul has ever suggested! What kind of people actually go skinny dipping just like that? What if some random pervert took a photo of us?! I'm worried that your picture might go online and people may criticize you for the lack of muscles ^^) Still, I just want to let you know that we will always be in this together, no matter what (yes even in skinny dippy >.<), and we will always pull through every single thing together. All that stress that Supershow II may not be successful, all that stress that we may not meet up to our fans' expectations, all that stress that is piled upon us by critics, all that stress that we give ourselves because we desire to improve and we expect more from ourselves. Don't be so stressed up at times okay, and remember to keep your wide gummy smile always, because honestly I think that is the only thing that helps you attract so many fans. Weirdly.
Siwon! (And you, stop using the Lord's name in vain. Don't think I didn't hear that when you were testing the waters before going swimming just now. He's not to be mentioned that easily!)
-----next page------
HYUNG'S HERE! ^^ Okay wait scratch that. I shall be more serious and solemn. Sungmin's here! Haha X) Can't help myself. Seeing all of us enjoying some peace and quiet, like finally, reminds me of the previous times, where we were in Thailand, or where we were just filming random scenes for full house or E.H.B. Reflecting on how much we have changed, how much we have matured throughout this whole journey, till now, I can't believe that we have all progressed together and made it through this tumultuous journey in one piece. Seeing how Ryeowook evolved from some shy flower to this guy who danced to Insomnia like nobody's business o.O, seeing how Eeteuk-hyung has led us, better and better, improving with every passing second, sharing our fears, taking in our sorrows, learning about us, yet never once rejecting. And how I myself have changed, from that cute guy one time ago to this more matured, and I would dare say manly ^^, guy that I am now. *frowns* While YOU, are still standing on the same spot hahaha. Okay maybe you have improved this teeny weeny bit *holds up fingers for measure*, but you are still as goofy and playful as you used to be! Not that it's a bad thing, because looking at you gives me a sense of how much we have changed from that initial stage, till the people we are now, standing here, with friendship so strong that I'm pretty sure I can face whatever comes my way with you members around. Love you guys.
Sungminnie!~ (kyuhyun refuses to play with me BECAUSE you allowed him permission to play his PSP game here. ARGH. And he even brought his laptop just for gaming purposes! What the?!?! EUNHYUK you are so going to pay for this. *scribbles wildly into your diary*
Sungmin arh, that's a very ugly picture you have there.
Anway EUNHYUK! My eating buddy at times, when Shindong isn't around. Although I still cannot warp my head around the idea that you eat way more than Shindong, because you are just so skinny! You should share your secret with the world, and earn loads of billions and you don't have to be an artiste anymore! Leave all your limelight to me!~ Uhm yeah. I just wanted to say that...I really appreciate your presence in Super Junior, because then I can bully someone all I want and that person will never complain HAHA. Just wanted to say sorry, that I have been bullying you all these while, yet you have never once complained or talked back, including those times on E.H.B. (Since Sungmin mentioned them) where I pulled down your pants we had such fun throwing them around and getting you scramble around just to get them back on. Yah you are such a cute dongsaeng. I never apologise much to others, because I feel that sometimes there isn't the need to, but I feel this inexplicable urge to apologise to you now...Must be because of all that guilt you piled on me secretly at night right? *stares suspiciously* You are such a cute guy :) I guess...it is probably one of the best days of my life till now, I mean, today, playing around so much you guys and having fun without a care in the world. I just hope that Shindong, Hankyung and Yesung can be here too.
If Kangin is APPA, then I guess that makes me Teukie-umma here? ^^
HEY EUNHYUKKIE! One of my favourite dongsaengs ALWAYS. We totally thrashed the other team today! In bowling! Never knew that our teamwork is so good eh? Must be all those radio sessions at Sukira that make us so compatible. It's okay anyway, your non-existent bowling skills are made up by my professional and wonderful skills that I possess, which is enough for two and still able to win ^^ talking on the radio with you in Sukira, understanding you better, it seems like we have gotten real close eh? Hahaha. My dear Eunhyuk, don't always dance too much then neglect your health okay! Strawberry milk only gives you calcium and some random stuff, it doesn't help if you refuse to eat certain foods or whatsoever. I'm going to force them down your throat during live session so you cannot refuse me! HAH. All those times, making a fool of ourselves, singing to songs, dancing to the music, and sharing food, interviewing celebrities together and raising random eyebrows in response to some of the comments made by people out there. You are seriously one of the most important person in my life, because I really look forward to all those sessions with you, although our schedules are so hectic. I'm glad that we took time out today and came on a vacation today to relax and set our minds at peace. I'm glad that you confide in me and you trust me. I'm glad that I can be the leader here, for all of you, supporting all of you in whatever decisions you guys make. No matter what happens, I will always be there for you. When you are sick, I will always be there to take care of you. Whenever you need someone to tuck you into bed, I'm the man! Alright, it's late. Go sleep early okay, Eunhyukkie? I love all of you.
Eunhyuk smiles widely at his diary as he read the last post from Eeteuk. He enjoys reading every single post; it's like Super Junior has specially gathered all this information and placed them here, sealing this as a memory. Eunhyuk hugs the diary to his chest, happy and making a promise with himself that this diary will never disappear once more, because all the heartfelt statements and emotions are all carefully recorded and written in here. His eyes glistening slightly, touched at what the other members had written, he picks up his cup from the table and proceeds into the kitchen, his other hand clutching the book tightly, refusing to let it go. 10 members present here today, but it still feels as good as when the 3 others were here too. Eunhyuk closes his eyes softly, placing the cup into the sink and takes a deep breath. He wants to remember this day forever, etch it and sear it into his memories forever, inhaling the sweet scent of friendship and team spirit in this day.
Super Junior, always near my heart, always part of my heart, always, in my heart.