Name: Lee Saigon
Age: 18
Location: liverpool
Favorite bands: Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, The Ramones, The Clash, X-Ray Spex, Epoxies, The Distillers
Sexual preference: straight but occasional girl crushes. I don't know! I just love sex.
Hobbies: drinkin, paintin, wankin, preaching about TG, starting fight with arrogant bitches, macho cunts and daddy's girls (the most vile of all beings)
A short story: Last week i was taking a piss on the street when a car drove past and sprayed me with mud and I hurled my Bud bottle at the back window. Assholes.
Weapon of choice: fist
Transportation device of choice: walk until i get that tank
Favorite food: anthing with a spicy kick
How much drugs?: Beer daily, occasional joint. I want to intorduce hard drug users to my right fist.
Favorite movie/s: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tank Girl. Juno. Clerks. Mallrats. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. A Clockwork Orange. The Nightmare Before Christmas.
What is Your most prized possession AND WHY: Oona, my pink haired ragdoll and the Camp Koala to my tanky. My granma made her for me and I still bring her about whenever I move, or visit my granma. Either that or the old leather jacket I inherited from my mum, cause it reminds me of her.
Who's your favorite philosopher/feminist/wise person: Johnny Rotten: "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
If you could get drunk with one person, dead or alive, who would it be: Marilyn Monroe, and I reckon she'd be a good shag.
If you had a tank, how would you paint/decorate it?: with old beer cans
How did you discover Tank Girl?: The first time i shaved my head, many years ago, and someone showed me her and compared me to her. A new idol was born in my eyes.
What magazine did Tank Girl originally appear in?: Deadline
Tank Girl comics you own or have read: Every strip I could get my hands on online, and tracked a couple of issues. I bought 'n read the graphic novels out of respect, but they really suck in comparison - I left Odyssey in my school classroom with a note inside saying "Read it, fuckers. It shall change your life."
Name a few of Tank Girl's many friends: Jet Girl, Sub Girl, Stevie, Dawn, Shocktop, Rocky Deadhead (if he counts), Barney, Camp Koala, Mr P, O'Hell, O'Madigan and of course Booga. There's some of the Odyssey/Apocalypse friends thrown in there.
Would you fuck a kangaroo?: only in a 69 ... or if he looked like Jeff Kober.
How tank girl really got her tank: skanked it, fair and square
Why should you be accepted: tough one ... I guess if you wanna check out some Tanky art/fashion I've made ... borin ... um, HEY YOU CAN LOOK AT MY TITS!
Why you want to be accepted:: Shit, no-one ever uses the other TG groups on lj. I wanna talk trash with other people who respect, admire and wanna bring Tanky alive as much as i do.
A shitload of pics of the me:
Your call, ladies.