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Jul 26, 2009 16:48

Name: Tabby

Age: 25

Location: Dirty Jer-zee bitches

Favorite bands: at the gates, poe, all that remains, and one, she wants revenge, janis joplin, tenacious d, himsa, wumpscut, covenant, assemblage 23, gorillaz, anything really from double bass to drum and bass.

Sexual preference: I like dick

Hobbies: Crafts, oh dear lord how I love to craft. I make clothes, jewelry, fake hair, I love putting led lights in to everything. Learning to sphere play. Having tons of dirty sex (I'm manager of a porn store, discounts are amazing.) And video games, I have no greater love in life other then my PS3.

A short here i am...walking through the supermarket and i notice that the garlic heads and the onions have squared off in a duel....apparently some scallion had taken a clove hostage at, the cucumbers were called in to assist in the tactical rescue operation but were superceded by the authority of the all-powerful ginger root.....ginger ( being the produce-section's number one intelligence officer ) was able to safely negotiate a deal for 3 strawberries for each garlic hostage.....the BCS ( Berry Coalition of the Supermarket ) was none too keen on the idea of using berries of any kind as bait or leverage in a tense crisis such as this....a special meeting between the heads of the BCS ( consisting of 3 blackberries, a raspberry, 4 grapes, and a kiwi **a liaison from the australian supermarket intelligence community** ) and the negotiator for the onions ( along with ginger ) was put into motion on neutral ground ( the organic section )....during which time garlic had enlisted the help of the all seeing eyes of the produce section, the potatoes....the "SPUDS" ( Strategic Produce Undercover Divulgence Sources ) were able to trace the routes of the suspected scallions, and a search and rescue mission was impromptu USO type show was put on to "entertain" the onion troops on the front lines......unbeknownst to them, the garlic had also enlisted the help of the mini-pumpkins....and they had a few tricks up their gourds....while the onions were distracted by the song stylings of brocoli spears, the garlic made their move....the mini pumpkins donned their battle-suits ( consisting of a crooked, 3-toothed smile and triangle eyes drawn in sharpie marker ) and made their excursion to the front the time the mist had settled moments later it was over.........silence fell on the rack......just then, out of nowhere, a carrot with an incindiery device popped out from behind the eggplant and it was obvious to all on the rack that a suicide mission was underway.......

....and that's when i got thrown out of wegmans...........i was sad....

Was that to long for a short story?

Weapon of choice: big vinyl platform boots (demonia = love)

Transportation device of choice: my tank (73 Chevy nova, may she rest in peace)

Not that you can tell from this pic, but it says tank girl across the windshield. It was my nick name all through high school.

Favorite food: anything peanut butter related

How much drugs?: not a whole lot to be honest, I roll once in a blue. But I haven't been a "user" of any thing other then that since I was about 20. I mainly stick to beer and southern comfort, and none of that pussy so-co and lime bs. Yuck.

Favorite movie/s: anything campy, the lower the budget the better. Evil dead, killer klowns from outer space, phantasm, and I must admit, I've climbed on the band wagon, I'm all for repo the genetic opera

What is Your most prized possession AND WHY: a pair of cuff links that cost more then my car. And a pocket watch. And a purple heart from world war two. All of witch belonged to my grandpa. He gave them to me just a few month before he died.

Who's your favorite philosopher/feminist/wise person: my grandfather. I know, sounds cheesy. But he was everything to me.

If you could get drunk with one person, dead or alive, who would it be: Janis Joplin

If you had a tank, how would you paint/decorate it?: with glitter and led lights... and war paint... and uv reactive paint... and ribbon.

How did you discover Tank Girl?: actually it was because of me deep love for all movies involving Lori Petty, from there I found the comics and so on.

What magazine did Tank Girl originally appear in?: I know this is a cop out, but really, even if I didn't know the answer to this, I could just look at the hundred apps before mine for the answer.

Tank Girl comics you own or have read: I had alot of them at one point, but when my best friend went to boot camp, so did they... they never made it home from the war *sniffle* lost but not forgotten... oh, but he's fine.

Name a few of Tank Girl's many friends: booga. Period. End of sentence. There are none better. <3

Would you fuck a kangaroo?: probably not. The thought of there pouch oozing on me is not the kinda wet I think I'd enjoy. I mean pouch lube, really. It sounds like it'd smell.

How tank girl really got her tank: it was liberated

Why should you be accepted: by all standards of this community, I shouldn't. I'm not pretty, or punky. I just love the shit out of tank girl. But what the fuck do I care if I get accepted? It's the internet.

Why you want to be accepted: because its a fucking tank girl community. Do I need any reason other then that.

Ok. Picture time:

This is a picture of I and a few of the great loves in my life... my beer, and my boy

Again with the beer.

I look really good in this picture because you can't actually tell what I look like.

I love all things pin stripe...

On my way to the city to go dance with And One.

I went to school for graphic design, so now I'm on tv .

Just a random pic

Me with my glasses, in the bathroom no less. Very classy.

Pink and blonde.

Purple and black.

And because its knida like nudity, here's a picture of my pumpkin snatch.

So ladies, what's the verdict?
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