A quiz answered with lyrics from Nirvana (as always)
Are you male or female:
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
Describe yourself:
In her false withness, we hope you're still with us,
to see if they float or drown
Our favorite paitent, A display of patience,
disease-covered Puget Sound
She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,
and leave a blanket of ash on the ground
I miss the comfort in being sad
How do some people feel about you:
Broken heart and broken bones
Think about some capsules of horse pills
One more quirky cliche'd phrase
You're the one I wanna refill
How do you feel about yourself:
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself ...
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:
And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will seem happy
You'll wallow in the shit
Then you'll think you're happy now
Describe your current crush:
Sloppy lips to lips
You're my vitamins because I'm like you
Describe where you want to be:
Don't tell me what I wanna hear
Afraid of never knowing fear
Experience anything you need
I'll keep fighting jealousy
Until it's fucking gone
Describe what you want to be:
I'll go out of my way to make you a deal
We've make a pact to learn from whoever
we want without new rules
We'll share what's lost and what we grew
Describe how you live:
They lead a lifetime that is comfortable
They travel far to keep their stomachs full
They make their living off of arts and crafts
They kind with seashells driftwood and burlap
They make a deal when they come to town
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground
Describe how you love:
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
Share a few words of wisdom:
Take a step outside yourself
And turn around
Take a look at who you are
It's pretty scary
...and something else i found roaming ljs:
You Are the Individualist
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.
What number are you? pretty true.