Title: Tainted Purity Author: Tankyasue Warning: Shounen-ai. Lime in later chapters. Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Babylon, Clamp does. Summary: Subaru discovers who Seishirou really is before the end of the bet.
Title: Tainted Purity Author: Tankyasue Warning: Shounen-ai. Lime in later chapters. Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Babylon, Clamp does. Summary: Subaru discovers who Seishirou really is before the end of the bet.
Title: Tainted Purity Author: Tankyasue Warning: Shounen-ai. Lime in later chapters. Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Babylon, Clamp does. Summary: Subaru discovers who Seishirou really is before the end of the bet.