Nov 06, 2010 03:46

...well, at least I didn't get shot at as badly as what happened to some others.

Sure, he pointed out some mistakes (he DEFINITELY needs to!), but
what totally caught me off-guard / by total surprise was

he used my work as an example to the class that "THIS is the process I want you guys to go through, not just buta copying from the ref."

First, the final round of WIP:

This is how far I got on Tuesday O______O|||

That ref I had --- for close to 5 years. Man, it's saved me for this assignment.
I saved that ref coz the model really looked like Vergil (at that time to me lar), and I had thought that when I had the chance I gonna draw him out :3
But 5 years later, I only finally used that ref, to do my acrylic gesso assignment - and it really saved me coz Soh Ling didn't let me do my Bayonetta, and if it weren't for this ref, I would have been so much more dead.

(of which then, now I regretted not keeping the other ref that I used to draw the Sparda portrait last time -____-;;;)

BUT on Tuesday night, I only managed to finish the face.

So yea, you can imagine the amount of work I did on Wednesday night.

(which explains the eh, 1 hour sleep - brain got too tired and I ended up sleeping when I just lie my head down for 5 minutes --- and if it weren't for my body clock that suddenly jolts me awake 1 hour later, I think I would have been really more dead than ever.)



(As at 8am ^^;)

Then I went to class (it was a bit difficult to drive a big-ass-clunkin' BMW to class what with just roughly 1 hour of sleep, but luckily I drove slower that day), and Kin Sun MADE HISTORY IN OUR CLASS BY coming in REAL earlier (like, 10:30am?!)

And then he began the marking session.

He started with our Product ones first, and when he comes to mine (I did the Hennessey whiskey), he bising-ed after pointing out the mistakes here and there that:

"Actually, whoever did this, know how to paint one. I can see how you try to fade off here, how you do all the details there, YOU KNOW WAN. But some parts, you just like, let go, don't want to do nicely.

Actually, if you want to do it, you can do it wan. But dunno why you don't want to do only."

Then he proceeded to the next one.

I was like, left staring at him with a dumbfounded expression, coz I don't get what he means (that time).

Like, know how to paint? But dunno how to paint nicely? Whaaaaa------

(more on this later)

After the Product crit session, he started on the Character Design works and---

---the first thing he did, is grab my work and put it on the board, and started his lecture.

His lecture was mostly about the work process @ why he intentionally want us to do this character design assignment, is so that we learn how to search for sources and put them together to get a working image to paint with within 1 week (according to industry workflow) and so

he can see it happening in mine BUT

he cannot see it happening in some others - but then he digressed, saying that it's not our fault coz he/Soh Ling didn't tell us that we're NOT supposed to buta-copy from the ref.

But uh, after all that, he finally proceed with the crit proper :)

My final work:

He bising-ed that:
1) the arm part - he doesn't mind the cloth, but the repetition should have been planned coz now it looked weird (I think he meant, the whole thing looks odd, and that if I'd planned properly, I woulda know how to fade the arm off properly)

2) the figure's eyes are too stiff (???), and the lips too

3) overall is dark and rich enough but not bright enough (can be brighter) - he said this, based on his 'formula' for acrylic gesso @ "black enough, bright enough, colours rich enough".

BUT AT LEAST I MANAGED TO FINISH THE DARK PRINCE (thus keeping to the devil pact) AND


(coz for the Product one I got a C -___-;)

Of course, there are lots more others better than mine, but some he complained that
1) one keeps mixing painter style and gouache style
2) some made the painting too dark
3) some made the painting just nice but because copy buta from ref, he cannot comment much
4) and generally, the other half of the class, he refused to say anything more other than one-liners @ "The rest --- is all technique problem."

The best one, amongst us all, is of course, Kami's one @ the Class God @ Wei Yang:

Puts everyone else's works (including mine) to shame, I tell you.

KS was going on and on about the awesomeness of his work - from the technique to the colour mixing to the fade-in-out to the overall mood. And that we ought to reach his level owO|||

BUT as usual, KS got something negative to say about his work too - that the colours are not bright enough, and that if WY wills it, he ought to scan/take pic of this work and put it next to Michael Dudash and BAM! KS said WY'll see what he meant + check out the differences on what makes Dudash's works work and how WY's one didn't quite achieve the Dudash level...


It's been a painful two terms, and only by the end of the 2nd term did I finally grasped the technique.

OH and about the Product one:

After the whole crit session, KS got his usual Q&A session and some of the folks went up to him to get a more in-depth crit.

I was one of the fews who went, and,

I think KS has a REALLY dry sense of humour, or he just doesn't really know how to crack jokes but

When I explained my trouble (like, I don't get what he meant about me doing sometimes nice, sometimes not nice), this is what KS did:

I told him I tried my best to do this work, and he retorted, "Hardest? Then the 3rd one you didn't try harder?" *blink smile

"Eh no lar, I tried even harder." *grim smile (WHICH IS THE TRUTH!)

Then, KS took a pencil and start circling a part and said, "You see this? This is right."


And you see this? *circles somewhere else which he mark as a mistake* "If you can do that, how come you paint until like this (mistake)?"


"And this? *circles another apparently good one* "I can see you know how to paint the effect over here."
(Effect is the sea @ I used some watercolour method that I knew to render the sea waves...)


"This effect is actually better than the one here." *points at the lousy bg with the cacated-hand

"Background, the time I dunno how to fade it off---"

"You should have planned it first. The white touchup looks off here.

And I can see you know how to do the details wan." *points at the tinny globules of embossed grape on the bottle

"Yaa but-"

"BUT how come you can do like this leh?" *points at the fudged bottle cap.

"Erm..." At this time, with all this random comparison, I started to sweat. A little.

"And HERE," KS said as he points at the HENNESSEY logo, "Here, you KNOW how to take care the details, how to keep it neat and still make out the wording, but WHY HERE," he then points at the written label, "You write the label until like, it doesn't looked like it wraps around the bottle??"

This time, I couldn't say anything.

"And also here," KS points at the far-right glass, "You KNOW how to paint this, but why this one *points at the leftmost glass* WHY this one sucked already one?"

Then an unhealthy silence followed, as a bunch of the other classmates stared at us to see how I would carry on this conversation - seeing I'm being led to a not-so-pretty checkmate by KS.

I drew in a breath, mustered some liquid courage, and just said,

"But Sir, even if you tell me all this, I'm telling you, I really did all this work at one go. So I don't see how is it I can paint differently each time...?"

And KS said the STUPIDEST / WEIRDEST thing ever to me:

"I tell you, you follow what I said. Just do the ones I told you is right, and you'll be fine."


"AND kick that sister out, ask her don't kacau you when you're painting."

Here on I went !?!?!?!? "SISTER?? BUT SIR, No one helped me to paint this! I really painted it myself-"

"Kick your inner sister out." Then he makes the shooing gesture and just said, "Now who's next?"

Inner sister?


But. SIR!!! WHAAAAAAA---------


NO WAI SIR, I can say 100% for sure that My Alter Ego did not took over me and started painting for me, because
Mysso is an ASSASSIN, and she doesn't know how to paint! D8


BUT IT'S TRUE!!! Did you ever take over me to paint stuff?

NO, and can't be bothered =__=; WTH?


Even if, yaa, SOMETHING happened and she DID take over (and believe me, I'll definitely KNOW when she takes over),
HOW can the painting style shift from in-between so many parts?!?
From bottle to the labels to the glasses to the background!?! But I paint them systemically, I don't jump-paint everywhere!
So it's definitely NOT possible!! DDDDDDD8

BUT what I can say is (the what really happen IMO), I did take time to paint the several parts, like
I had to figure out how to paint the bottle cap nicely, but then I didn't know how, so I tried to paint it like putting long dabs (which turned out wrong to KS),
so I moved onto the label below, which I knew how to paint (but apparently wrote wrongly)
And from that label, when I moved to the Main Label below, I know how to paint so that I can leave the render alone to be the text while I just paint in the yellow/gold skin on the label, so that's how I can get the bottom label right but not the top one D:

The bg? Like I said, I used watercolour method to do up the sea waves, and it turned out okay, but
because the hand part on the left side I hadn't know HOW to fade it off, I just did it to make it look like rocks (but apparently failed OTL)

But the glasses --- uhh, that, I dunno how to explain -___- Coz I did them both at the same time (since same subject mah), so I reeeaaaally dunno how he finds it that the right side I paint quite nice but the other side I painted it quite "cincai" =___=;;;

(I can hear Mysso going, "WTF? Why I kena blame for YOUR mistakes? =o=; Eeyer.)

At the end of the class, I pretty much left my thoughts to mull over this strange turn of events,

and then before KS/Soh Ling calls it a day,

they told us to get an airbrush unit by next sem.

Borrow, steal, beg, rob, whatever - just get one.
Coz KS wantsta demo in the 1st lesson next term, and
he did gave us a subtle tip @ "If you guys want to do it midnight, if you own one, you can do (the airbrushing work at night) it you know. No need so mafan to borrow from your classmates when you needed it (during the time you needed it) most."

So......^^; Yeah. Airbrush unit. *Jockey nudges the Witch

I've got Director's acrylic inks with me so that part's settled ^^;

And I just need to buy the other nylon brushes to work with (apparently need new heads? Not just the flat kind that I've been using for acrylic gesso?)

AND to find three portraits refs to work with, coz we'll be doing

Acrylic Ink on gesso on Illoboard with Colour Pencils next term! 8DDDDD

I'm actually keen with this Mixed Media class ^____^

...though, I SO want to see the classpeep's reaction when they discover that one bottle of acrylic ink is going at Rm17 a pop. And we need to use at least 6. *pulls a Cheshire smile*

And that's all for the time being, until next update!

gesso, drawing, acrylic, illo, vergil, devil may cry

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