Jul 20, 2006 17:35
My grad school professor in Maya studies, Kathryn Josserand died yesterday. She was in Mexico (at Palenque) on her way to do some field study when she had a massive cerebral hemorrhage. She went up to bathe and when she didn't come back in a timely manner, her husband Nick found her unconscious in the shower. He stayed with her until emergency came and took her to hospital. She was vegetative and the doctors want to send her to Villahermosa for more tests. But, thankfully, she stopped breathing before they could transfer her.
I started ohmygoding as soon as read her name on the subject of the emails on my meso list. I'm pretty broken up, but am not letting it interfere with my vacation. Well, not too much. I'm pretty sniffly and seem to be sighing a lot.
I'm so glad I got to see her in March. But Texas won't ever be the same again.