1. When you know you know, you know. And you don't have to do anything to make it happen. The great thing about it is that it comes all by itself and sneaks up on you and one day you you realize how very much in love you are. You realize that they are the most important person in your world, and that they absolutely overwhelm you, in a good way. You would do anything for them, and if you're lucky enough, they feel the same.
2. I'm not sure if I'm reading this wrong but you seem to be implying that less femme (in your opinion) girls should be less apt at finding a guy? I think the problem with this lies in the fact that you seem to be taking a very superficial approach to determining what qualities you consider "boyish" and "girlish." Correct me if that's not what you meant, I couldn't be sure.
first off yes i totally agree with your number one statement.
as for number two, i'm sorry if thats the way it came about but no i am amazed at the ability for those types of girls to be able to still be fully femme and yet have such strong qualities of the opposite sex.
to michaels comment-daaayyuummn jenna, that was deep. to jess's comment-no, she wasn't saying that, i dont think. she was observing the success that being a bit on the man side can bring, and perhaps wtf-ing it, but i dont think she was saying that it shouldnt be happening. and as for you, jennanana... -i am quite impressed with this entry. very deep and meaning of life-ish, with legit phrases and examples. -id like to reiterate my *eeeeeee (squeals and frolicks)* for lindsay -im pumped that i was included (although anonymously, thank goodness, hahahaha) in such a thought provoking entry -and finally, i shall give more detailed comments next time i talk to you online, or some such thing
sooo basically i bow down before your unexpectedness all-knowing-type entry. have a splendid day. go sox. hope your fever dies in a hole (with you not being there, of course). *hugs*
hello didn't we go over this when you were at home?? and besides who needs men, were gonna live together and be fabulous for the rest of our lives with our bachelorette hats
oh yeah and good for the both of us, we won't take crap from anyone. i'm not gonna let some guy walk all over me and if he can't deal with it to fucking bad for them. and lets also remember that we are still only 19, i would NEVER want to even think about a really serious relationship now never mind marriage. we still have so much to do with our lives before we settle down and get married... like moving to new york and doing it up sex and the city style.. for now all we need are meaningless hookups to get us by
- To Michael - Jenna is a genius of a rare type, not often appreciated in this world we live in, and I'm surprised it it took you so long to realize that. - To Jess - I think Jenna's talking about that intangible male energy that some people have. It's nothing you can really put your finger on. - To Allison - Meaningless hookups will not cut it. They'll only make you feel worse, and people will think you're skanky. - And Jenna - Good entry. I have no answers to these questions, but I think people like us (let's face it, we're a little weird), take longer to find someone compatible. Then again, our compact manly friend is a little strange too, but maybe she's just had better luck. I think people who started dating younger know how to do it better too (like pimpy mcpimperson up there ^). Some of us took a little longer to get our shit together. Where do we fall into this mix? I don't know.
i just realized a few weeks later that you totally shit on me. obviously the irony was overlooked? you'd think that (font size=7) would make it apparent. jerk.
Comments 12
those keeping score at home are probably well aware that the past 2 years of jenna-speak have gone completely over my head.
those not keeping score at home, the past 2 years of jenna-speak have gone completely over my head.
2. I'm not sure if I'm reading this wrong but you seem to be implying that less femme (in your opinion) girls should be less apt at finding a guy? I think the problem with this lies in the fact that you seem to be taking a very superficial approach to determining what qualities you consider "boyish" and "girlish." Correct me if that's not what you meant, I couldn't be sure.
Interesting post.
yes i totally agree with your number one statement.
as for number two, i'm sorry if thats the way it came about but no i am amazed at the ability for those types of girls to be able to still be fully femme and yet have such strong qualities of the opposite sex.
to jess's comment-no, she wasn't saying that, i dont think. she was observing the success that being a bit on the man side can bring, and perhaps wtf-ing it, but i dont think she was saying that it shouldnt be happening.
and as for you, jennanana...
-i am quite impressed with this entry. very deep and meaning of life-ish, with legit phrases and examples.
-id like to reiterate my *eeeeeee (squeals and frolicks)* for lindsay
-im pumped that i was included (although anonymously, thank goodness, hahahaha) in such a thought provoking entry
-and finally, i shall give more detailed comments next time i talk to you online, or some such thing
sooo basically i bow down before your unexpectedness all-knowing-type entry. have a splendid day. go sox. hope your fever dies in a hole (with you not being there, of course). *hugs*
- To Jess - I think Jenna's talking about that intangible male energy that some people have. It's nothing you can really put your finger on.
- To Allison - Meaningless hookups will not cut it. They'll only make you feel worse, and people will think you're skanky.
- And Jenna - Good entry. I have no answers to these questions, but I think people like us (let's face it, we're a little weird), take longer to find someone compatible. Then again, our compact manly friend is a little strange too, but maybe she's just had better luck. I think people who started dating younger know how to do it better too (like pimpy mcpimperson up there ^). Some of us took a little longer to get our shit together. Where do we fall into this mix? I don't know.
- Kitty Cat
obviously the irony was overlooked? you'd think that (font size=7) would make it apparent.
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