Tanya, I didn't mean to be quite so hurtful, but I was being truthful.. although the WAY I said it may have been a little immature. I apologize for my wording
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p.s. we don't work now because we need to focus on our schoolwork. Practice for each ensemble is required outsied of class time (technically two hours per ensemble) which means, honestly, that I should be practicing 10 hours a day, because I'm in five ensembles. I'm taking 13 credits, but I'm enrolled in 7 classes. Music takes time and a LOT of work. Also, I moved out of my parents house when I was three. Not exaggerating, three, and I had to grow up at a very young age, with very little. Life has been nothing but work for me my whole life. I don't see a problem with focusing on school, rather than a job that does nothing but take away my practice time, AND my financial aid
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