Title: It's Cold Outside Author: tanzensiemit Claim: A.J. McLean / Nick Carter Fandom: Backstreet Boys (OMG BANDOM) Rating: PG / WS / FRA Author's Notes: Written for sly_fuck ------------------------------------------
Hey, if it's not to much trouble could you just, start, sending me these types of messages to my inbox on lj rather than replying to a post of mine? Please.
I appreciate you giving me a heads up and everything but...using my stories to send me a message for something that has nothing to do with it is kinda, well, rude and I know you're not a rude person, so I'm giving you a heads up.
I'd really, really appreciate, further, if you're going to leave me a message for something unrelated to the post you're replying to then actually read that post and make some token comment on the content THEN place your message.
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I appreciate you giving me a heads up and everything but...using my stories to send me a message for something that has nothing to do with it is kinda, well, rude and I know you're not a rude person, so I'm giving you a heads up.
I'd really, really appreciate, further, if you're going to leave me a message for something unrelated to the post you're replying to then actually read that post and make some token comment on the content THEN place your message.
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