Title: Smudge (Drabble)
Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo
Genre: Time Control!AU
Word count: 228
For the third time Kyungsoo blinked, the world stops. The merriment enveloping his earlobes, the beat of the feet roaring along the asphalt, the people - they all froze, apart from himself. He closes his eyes as he breathes in, the only sounds he can decipher are the thumping of his heart and the agitation creeping along his skin. He gulps, gradually opening his eyes and chewing on his lower lip only to find the same view - people stuck in time, objects still haven’t released any motion. Except for one.
Jongin stands there halfway among the smudge figures, he takes one step. This time, Kyungsoo feels like he belongs, like he can’t find a way to move, like every cell of his body is numb. He watches Jongin approach him, the screeching of his shoes hanging loose in the air like it’s the most wonderful tune he has ever heard. And Kyungsoo listens to the other’s heavy breathing. He swallows.
“I found you.” Jongin mutters. They found each other again, under the kaleidoscope lights and the stiffen crowd. And when their hands link, everything starts to move again. The merriment enveloping his earlobes, the beat of the feet roaring along the asphalt, the people - they come back to life. Kyungsoo blinks, and they hug. They found each other again, under the blissful tears and the balmy scent. They reunite.
A/N: I have been longing to write something about Kaisoo.
Much to my relief I finally did (procrastination keeps on eating me up).
You can interpret this story your own way. Haha. Much love! :)