Had a great weekend with the family. no arguments between the wife and I, and lots of quality time with friends and family. even a few beers thrown in for good measure!
Hot as hell in Vancouver today. well, for this time of year anyway. Should've worn shorts to work. :(
It's the next morning. i'm all packed to stay at my dad's, but my wife caught me coming out of the shower and convinced me to stay home from work today to talk about our problems. I hope we can work things out.
thanks for all your support and kind words. xoxoxox
Well, it's been a while since my last update. It's 11:00 on Tuesday night, and my worst fears have come true. I'm packed, and ready to leave my family. It's the last thing in the world I ever wanted to happen. I'll go to work tomorrow, then try to figure out where I'm gonna stay for a bit. My dads? Friends? I dunno.