Gonna make this fast just case I want to get the primers out of the way ASAP. Most stuff uploaded on Coscom and FB that's gonna come from me, and I'll check out the other people's pictures in due time.
Thursday consisted of scurrying from school, to Charlotte, to Kristen's, then driving while listening to my birthday present (RHCP greatest hits!). We got there close to 10, met up with Marion, Cesar, Karen, and a kid named Alex, before checking in, meeting other Alex, Tina, Lexi, Lexi's mom, Sare, Margie, Rich, Jordan, Jared, and so on.
The night pretty much progressed into hat!tag, lack of badges, molesteringinginging, and so forth.
Friday was a lot of exploring, as well as alot of changes, including DRRR! shenanigans with Bur, Rachel, and the others, and Fairy Tailing it with Sam, Karen, Tom, and everyone else. Dealer's room was alright, and everything food-wise inside was EXPENSIVE. Ketchup treated Kristen badly and the food was meh. Flavored ketchup, interesting though.
This post is completely inanachrononistic, I just realized taht.
Kept running into Josh and Becca, and would sporadically would ran into Ria (HI I FINALLY MET YOU), or Zip or Katie or Kim, but honestly most of the later day was changing, after people started coming back, so I think my mind is a little shot from that, the cold I have right now, and trying to finish this in time to get to bed early.
The SE shoot was small but alright- the ORCHESTRA music was all, AOIFJADSOIFA NOT LETTING YOU BE HEARD ROB, and then the ball came AND IT WAS TOTAL BUST WHO THE FUCK PLAYS BAD EDM AT A TRANCE, and came back, changed out, more Eden shenanigans with Kristen, and finally, BURTHDAY TIMES.
So then, I was born, went to have AWESOME YAKITATE SHOOT TIMES WITH EVERYONE. Probably my highlight of the con, cosplay-wise. The rest oft he day consisted with fun Certy-times, as well as a cool (literally) FT shoot and some more shoppings, whilest occasionally Eden'ing it up and such.
Just to prove how stream of consciousness this is, I just remember that Friday night, i got a mysterious text (turned out to be Pierce) that lead us to strangers with candy (actually Jeb and Chrissy, whom after awtching the video, HAD AN AWESOME SKIT!), and there was also me not wearing pants and probably pissing off con staffers, as well as Bleach in the snow, running into Kirby and Justin as Lovecomers and then as Bleachers and then as FABULOUS LUPPI AND TSUNADE, and then snow in my Natsu boots, snow in general, grass-fed burgers, Italian sandwiches on Sunday, and back to Saturday, a HORRIBLE rave that pissed me off because they endangered people.
Somewhere long the line, I had a birthday party, which Karen documented nicely. GO TO HER LJ CAUSE APPARENTLY I CAN'T LINK? I suck.
Anyways, food-together-party thing was fun, though waiting for food wasn't. Sunday came around, we gave out food, said goodbyes, and more funnage ensued in the limited time, ebfore finally saying goodbye as a roomie-group, and headed back home.
Then I took some alka selzter, and here I am, writing this loopy, seeing a bunch of red underscore across my entry, but not caring. SO THERE YOU GO.
Despite the succinctness of this entry, and the failure on the part of Katsucon to be a professionally planned out convention, I still had a LOT of fun, better than Katsu or AWA, and Katsu keeps ranking up there in my top 5 convention experiences (generally knocking itself out every year). So thanks to everyone whom made it special, and let the countdown to my 24th birthday celebration begin!