Jan 16, 2007 21:48
never buy food on an empty stomach. here's why:
1 box of cheez-its
1 box of mini powdered donuts
1 box of mozzarella stix
1 box of perogies
1 box of double stuf oreos
1 box of ice cream sandwiches
1 loaf of cinnamon swirl bread
2 cadbury creme eggs
1 box of strawberry nutrigrain bars
1 bottle of grape juice
1 bottle white grape juice
my sister asks me why we don't do this more often. as she asks me, i am in snack awe and feel as if i've never been in a supermarket before tonight. there were many more items we felt we needed to purchase. we very well could have walked away with half the store. completely ridiculous. "people are going to think we are high," she says. i remind her we are at stop and shop and can check out our own groceries. *pound it*
of course, how do you follow up going shopping on an empty stomach? burgers. went to BK, got our cheeseburger on, and while waiting, i marveled at the snowflakes falling on the car. they were actual snowflakes! like, you could see all the intricate designs on each one. i love the snow. l-o-v-e it.
between the both of us, there should have been some drugs passed around. these behaviors sounds like those of stoners. i'm okay with it. i'm pretty sure lori is too.