Changing clothes with moods is what it's all about!
analyzing-changing ourselves is job for ourselves and those helpers to whom we explicitly offer this position. otherwise, anxiety-projection is afoot...
"We term praxis that doing in which the other or others are intended as autonomous beings considered as the essential agents of the development of their own autonomy. True politics, true pedagogy, true medicine, to the extent that these have ever existed, belong to praxis. In praxis, there is something to be done, but what is to be done is something specific: it is precisely the development of the autonomy of the other or of others (this not being the case in relations that are purely personal, as in friendship or love, where autonomy is recognized but its development is not posited as a separate object, for these relations have no end outside of the relation itself)." (Cornelius Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society)
when I encounter something I don't understand I try to think of it as a challenge. often very frustrating. it's easier for me because I've already been cast in the role of intellectual-male-literate etc., so everyone expects me to already get it. which I rarely, if ever, do. challenging and takes a lot of work
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analyzing-changing ourselves is job for ourselves and those helpers to whom we explicitly offer this position. otherwise, anxiety-projection is afoot...
"We term praxis that doing in which the other or others are intended as autonomous beings considered as the essential agents of the development of their own autonomy. True politics, true pedagogy, true medicine, to the extent that these have ever existed, belong to praxis.
In praxis, there is something to be done, but what is to be done is something specific: it is precisely the development of the autonomy of the other or of others (this not being the case in relations that are purely personal, as in friendship or love, where autonomy is recognized but its development is not posited as a separate object, for these relations have no end outside of the relation itself)." (Cornelius Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society)
so who, if anyone, should i offer the position of assisting me in self-analysis?
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