Having been blogging in a general mode for several years, I finally hit the point where I needed a place specifically to talk about writing - the alternative being to bore the daylights out of various friends who are used to hearing me talk about knitting, karate, my kids, and any other subject that happens to hit my attention (Look a monkey
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Comments 2
For the record, I have never introduced myself as the mother of two dumb kids. That sounds like a trailer park kind of thing to say, doesn't it?
But I like what you said much better than what *everyone* else says, "The mother of two beautiful children" etc. Why is it always "beautiful" kids? I want to gag everytime I hear that, because wow, not all children are beautiful! Especially since the concept of "beauty" generally has to do with comparing one person with another so what they are really saying is "my kids are more beautiful than your kids." Gaaaag. I'll take active and intelligent any day over beauty!
I'll take active and intelligent over beautiful myself. *I* think my kids are gorgeous, but it's certainly not incumbent on anyone else to agree with me. Besides, unless they go on to become underwear models, their brains will get them a lot further!
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