WARNING: these are MY belifes, they may seem nieve(sp?) and such, but I am just starting to sort my beliefs out, if you have any questions or comments, Email or comment, please do not insult my beliefs, but thats just rude.
Christianity: I do belive in a God, and Jesus, i belive the other religions are all praising God, there are just other forms of religion. I do belive that alot of Christians are judgemental, hypocrits that have a "holier-then-you" attitude (please note that i sad ALOT not all or most. I belive alot of the bible has been misinterpreted, or changed and such. Like how homosexuality is a sin, by that idea it would be a choice, and I sure all hell didnt choose to be pansexual, i chose that lable, yes, but i didnt not choose to be attracted or fall in love with other females.
Reincarnation: I belive you have one important task on this earth, and you will be sent back, if your task was not completed. Or, if God wants you back on this earth, He will put you here.
Heaven: I do belive in Heaven, i belive that you will only be sent away if you were a truthfully "evil" person, then your "hell" is earth, again.
abortion: I am pro-choice, i may never get an abortion myself, but if i wanted to get one, i sure dont want to have the govenment telling me i cant, and that i cant terminate an truthfully unwanted pregnancy.
death penalty: I agree with Alicia's cement box with coffee can tolite.