Wow, Kei Kon is over. I'll have some thoughts about it later I'm sure, but not right now.
Instead, I'd like to note down something that was said to me tonight before I forget, because I thought it was interesting.
I was talking to Amber at dinner tonight. She and Roman both agreed that I listen too much. They said I listen and don't respond and that even though they know I'm paying attention, which I am, it makes them feel insecure about what they are saying because I don't reply. Sheena later agreed with them. I certainly don't do this on purpose.
I suppose it is true that I like to listen. Usually when I don't answer, it's because I either a) have no idea what they are talking about so I have no imput (eg gaming talk) b) am willing to listen but don't really want to have a discussion about the topic at hand or c) feel that just listening is the role best suited for the conversation. I'm probably wrong most of the time. It's true enough that I'm not very good at talking to people. I also am a really slow thinker... I like to ponder things for a while before I speak. During a conversation, by the time I have something to say, we've moved on.
This also made me think, however, about how I play different roles in different situations. I think that a lot of the people in the anime club have such well developed personalities that it's a little ovewhelming and so it's easier to just sit back and watch than to try to compete with everyone for the spotlight. I'm usually pretty quiet at anime club. Put me with some of my other friends, however, and you can't shup me up. It's odd, I guess, but amongst some of my friends, it's me that's the crazy outgoing one.