Yesterday, I went on an impromtu AIESEC skiing trip! There was only three of us - me, Dave and Igor - but we had a blast!
And we managed to pick an absolutley perfect day! Wow, the sky was so blue and it was warm and the snow was awesome!
Igor had never skiied before, so he took a lesson and Dave and I went off the to ex-red chair and the yellow chair and the quad. I hadn't been skiing for several years, but I didn't have any trouble picking it up again. I kept stopping at the top of the mountain to take picures because the view was so gorgeous!!
After that I stuck to the Green Chair with Igor, who did amazing well!! I was so impressed. We started with some easy runs but by the end of the afternoon, he conquered the Green Face without falling, and was getting a hang of the chair lift too :P
After skiing we went tubing for another hour and a half. It was great! We went as a group and I made a video of one of our runs.
Then we started the long trip back to Victoria, stopping at my house in Nanaimo to drop off gear and eat much pizza. We made it home by 11:30, and end to a very long but very awesome and memorable day!