Holy moly!

Jul 30, 2007 16:06

So, there’s news… there’s lots of news. It’s been a whirlwind week(end)!

Karrie (the girl I’m covering for here at CRA) had a meeting with the supervisors today. They immediately had a mailing to go to HR, and Karrie was talking about coming back in two weeks. So, it looks like my assignment here is almost done - and I don’t think I’m upset. Sure, I’m worried about the money, the bills, the health care, etc., but I’m not sad to go. I, in point of fact, am not a receptionist. Nohow.

One of the ladies here told me there might be another prospect she knows about. She said it’s strictly mum since she’s not officially authorized to offer me anything. I told her - also strictly mum - about my educational plans. She didn’t seem bothered by the knowledge that I am likely to leave as soon as it’s time to student teach. It’s a possibility. She asked me on Friday what such an intelligent, lovely, obviously competent young lady was doing working as a receptionist in this office. My mind drew a blank, and replied, “I don’t know… I guess I’m paying the bills.” I don’t think I would’ve offered me a job after that little admission, but she obviously seems to think I’ve got something to offer despite the fact that I’m likely to leave just as I get the hang of the job. She’s a kind, considerate woman who seems to really care about the success of those around her.

Another possibility, if I find I can get the insurance squared away in the meantime, might be to hire on at the same charter school with Tim. He says they still need bodies, and I’d be working in education again. I also might be able to fulfill my in-class practicum requirements (periodically required for certain courses) while I’m at work. They also offer tuition reimbursement if you’re taking education course work - so I hear. That would be my first choice option, if the insurance thing works out.

My fish tank seems pretty stable aside from some litter from the wilting water sprite plants. Since I’ve begun to use the light again, the leaves are getting greener. I’m leaving a fork in the lid so that the hot air can vent out. That’s keeping the tank from heating more than a degree when the light is off. Since it’s holding at 82 right now, I’m within my safe range. Hooray! I’ll start feeding my otos zucchini soon since the algae seems nonexistent at the moment.

Tate has been a total prince through all of this. I’ve been hearing the little engines on my metaphorical airplane sputter and cough for the last few months now. Just when I start leaking fuel and having critical engine failures, Tate is the first one to remind me of the eject button and help me get my parachute on straight. I have prospects, options, and lots of support.

Thanks to those of you who’ve inspired me to trudge forward. Thanks to my nearest and dearest who believe in me, no matter what. Thanks to Tate for speaking the words that always pull me out of a funk when I feel like I might not be successful:

“Robin, in all the time I’ve known you, I’ve never known you to fail.”
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