All's Well That Ends Well

Aug 21, 2007 15:11

So much happening, so little time to explain...

School: Classes started again today. I'm in the silly introductory courses right now. It's low workload so far, and I'm going to try to fast-track these classes and finish early so I can start on my proper teaching classes.

Work: They're replacing me very soon... maybe tomorrow -- which means I might be starting work back in the classroom again by Thursday! I'm so excited I could just bust. Money will be tight at first, but the work will be far more rewarding. Principal Austin has assured me that I won't be working near Tim 'cause he doesn't want us goofing off. How cute is that? Principal can't stop being a principal even with the workers. I think he was being silly for the most part, but I thought it was an amusing comment. And anyway, we all know Tim's the goof-off and I'm the model student. :P

I'm fond of my co-workers here. They've been so sweet. They're all very sad to see me go, and I know a few who just don't know what they'll do without me. I feel a small pang of guilt, but overall, I know that it's time for me to go. I can't wait around here, working a desk job until they don't need me anymore. I have to move forward in my studies and achieve my goals. It's sad to go, and it's unfortunate that I'm leaving them with a gap to fill. In the end, though, I cannot sacrifice my goals or put my life on hold for this. For a change, I'm going to do for me first and then worry about other people. If I wear myself down doing for others, I'm going to burn out and be of no use to anyone. If there's one thing I've learned about fire it's that you have to keep adding fuel or the poor little fire will dwindle and puff out of existence. It's time to throw another log on the fire and hope that there's enough residual heat from the last log to rekindle the flames. Now is the time for movement, achievement, and motivation. All the same, I shall write a kind, thoughtful good-bye letter to the folk I'm leaving behind here.

Health Care: Ironing that out. After I pay off the bills I've already accrued, that should be a nightmare I no longer have to worry about.

I saw my rheumatologist today. She's pleased with how I'm doing but is upset about the stomach issues. I forgot to ask her about my neck pain (blah), but maybe I'll call her about that later. Who knows. I need to get blood work done. Apparently I'm well past due. I told her I'd get right on that and she'll refill my prescription.

Extra-curricular: I started an Okinawan Karate class. It's a blast so far. Happens on Thursday nights. The head instructor is a total cheerleader, but he's fun. He told us to set a goal. My goal is to be able to use the self-defense techniques without having to try and remember them first. I want to know them well enough to execute them instinctively rather than trying to think about what I can do after I'm prompted in class.

In other news: I'm retiring from faire. I've been killing myself to be out there every year. There's too much time spent in the sun, on my feet, generally beating the hell out of my body. I may not be as old as some of the folks out there, but I'm plenty broken-down. For the past few years, faire has caused more stress than I can really handle without becoming ill. For my health and general happiness, I think it'll be much better if I visit rather than committing to the whole ordeal.

I'll miss some of the people I don't see much outside of faire. On the other hand, there are plenty of them I'll be glad to avoid. I'm sick of all the drama and short nerves. I'm too old for this crap. It's been a fun run, but I think it's time for me to move on now. I'll still go back to get new hair sticks. I'll still try to trade out my parasol with the vendor for a new, custom replacement for my yellow parasol. I just need to find his email address amongst my faire things.

Relationship: Tate's been a wonderful help through everything. He's really moving mountains to ensure that I can reach my goals. Today marks our seventh year together. We just celebrated our relationship in a lovely Tucson bed & breakfast, and things couldn't be better... well, perhaps they could. In a perfect world, we'd be living together, building a home, and enjoying each other's company every day. All's well, though, and there aren't any signs of storm ahead for us.

Overall: It looks like things are finally settling down and getting back on track. Keep your fingers crossed, everyone!
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