City Rocker 07: do you think i'm taquito_icons worthy
IaReBeIsHmALe: you think you are?
City Rocker 07: lol
City Rocker 07: uh i don't know
City Rocker 07: its your commuinty
IaReBeIsHmALe: haha
IaReBeIsHmALe: i was just messing
IaReBeIsHmALe: yea
IaReBeIsHmALe: here, i'll go give you access.
City Rocker 07: really?
City Rocker 07: lol i didn't think it'd be that easy :P
IaReBeIsHmALe: haha
City Rocker 07: ::jumps up and down::
City Rocker 07: so so so i can post my stuff there now?
IaReBeIsHmALe: hold on
City Rocker 07: k
IaReBeIsHmALe: hon, you're not even in the community
City Rocker 07: lol
City Rocker 07: oops
IaReBeIsHmALe: haha
City Rocker 07: hold on XD
IaReBeIsHmALe: okay
City Rocker 07: ok there lol
IaReBeIsHmALe: okay haha
that's right! we have a new icon maker: Tia,
plain_loser. So everyone welcome her. I'll let her give her own little introductory speech. :D:D
Going to make icons, i swear!