yuletide santa:
I realise I am a freak show. No, I do. And thank you thank you thank you for doing your best and stepping up when I'm guessing off the top of my head two of the three requests I made made you flail, like, a whole lot.
I also know that I am conscieveably sentencing you to 2 months of either a minimum of 6 hours of Jack Davenport, 2+ hours of Clive Owen, or 30 hours of
OMG SO PINK. Which could be considered heaven or hell, depending on um... how fond you are of research and cheesy 1980s pop music?
But I have faith in you, Santa! You shall prevail! And I will love it. I know I will. So have no fear.
And, erm... I know I have this big rep for being a 'shippy het gal based on what I write (which, erm, doesn't exactly reflect what I read, which is pretty much everything. We're talking gen, slash, het of all kinds), but honestly? What I love most are characters (whether friends, lovers, family members, enemies, what have you) interacting with one another and exploring their relationships--groping and kissing, or not. So don't feel beholden. And I admit, I am a huge gen fan as well. I love characters. I love dialogue. I love plot. So far as the 'ship side of things goes, I also am all about the UST and the lead-up and the foreplay and the tension, more so than teh hawt sex itself (and am fine with there being no hawt sex at all). And I will love whatever you give me, because it is a pressie, and everyone loves pressies.
You rock.
I'm sorry for not giving you a 4th playground to play in. I meant to, I just blanked. But I hope you survive with your sanity intact. And feel free to ask the anon LJ questions, if you are needing to.