Mrr. Very tired. But must type an entry! I've been lax, of late, and I enjoy writing these, so damn it, I'm gonna!
Got a five-day weekend going, right now. It all started on Friday... Early Friday morning my mom, brother, and I all got up and headed to the ferry. By around eleven thirty we were in Vancouver, and I teared up at the epicness of something that came on the radio: an ad for The Phantom of the Opera - the show I'd be seeing that evening. Needless to say, hearing the music for it did me in and it had finally hit home that I'd be seeing the longest-running Broadway musical in history. Leastways, that's what they called it on the radio. I haven't quite checked my sources on that one.
But regardless, we got to our hotel and set ourselves up. So it turns out that the YWCA in Vancouver is a hotel, and they rent for fairly cheap. I was intrigued, thinking that our room and beds would be ridiculously small, but they were surprisingly comfortable. Came with a shower and a minifridge, and it was all quite homey.
After setting ourselves up we went to go explore. My brother and I had never been to Gastown, so we headed there first. In so doing my mom got a little bit worked up and stressed, not wanting to be the wet towel, but feeling the pain in her feet from walking too much. Luckily she franked up after we bought tickets to see the Storyeum, which turned out to be a totally sweet show. Picture a B.C. history museum, done as an interactive musical. It all takes place underground in seven consecutive rooms, between two buildings. It was an awesome show, and there was some real talent in it. I absolutely lost it right at the end when there was this epic music and they showed some scenes of Terry Fox. Thank goodness I was wearing my Boca sweatshirt that has a large collar, and I pulled it up over my face. Man, I felt like a tool. XD
Time was getting on, at that point, and, after visiting some seriously run-down portions of Chinatown and a couple of other streets (one guy was in a hospital gown with a medical bracelet, holding a syringe, and saying, quite loudly and manically to another man, "I'm fuckin' sick!"), we headed back to the hotel. Luckily we picked up some awesome pork buns and procured the very best bubble tea I'd ever had. This stuff was awesome. The tea itself was rich and creamy, with amazing flavour, and the bubbles were soft and sweet! I'd go back if'n only for that.
Back at the hotel, though, we got ready for the show. I went dressed in my suit and red slinky shirt, feeling like a million bucks. It was when we got there that I really started to get hyphy, though. All the people dressed so nicely, and the fountain out front... We decided to get drinks: my mom a cafe mocha, my brother a cafe latte, and me a hot chocolate. Making fun of ourselves for pretending to be so pretencious was funny, but then they made the announcement to go to our seats. The excitement had begun.
Now, my mom had said that we were in the twentieth row of the dress circle. The dress circle itself is on the balcony level, but right up front... -ish. Twentieth row? Sounded like forever and a day into the nosebleed section. Not so! The twentieth row, as it turns out, is one - count it: one! - row behind someone. The first through the eighteenth run along the sides, while the nineteenth and twentieth run across. We were right in the middle, looking directly down at the stage. Amazing bloody seats!
As a side note, while we were going inside to get to our seats, I ended up seeing Lauren's and Mike's friend Stephen. That was rather amusing. ^^ Said hi and that was all cool.
But back to the show! After what felt like forever and a day, the lights went dim and the show began. The obligatory auction scene commenced, and all was good, until the most dramatic of the events in the first scene... the chandalier. What the chandalier is meant to do is to come to life and dramatically rise to the ceiling in a beautiful display of wonder and technology. It seemed that this was not meant to happen on this opening night of Phantom. What did end up happening was the dramatic music - the organ riff characteristic of Phantom - followed by a perfectly well-lit chandalier dancing about on the stage. Technical difficulty, apparently. They had to restart the show.
Well, that was disappointing, but whatever. Shit happens to good people. :P Fifteen minutes passed before they restarted the rising of the chandalier, accompanied by the music, and it made it all the way to the top. The crowd roared, and the show commensed as normal. The rest of it was fantastic and flawless - the dancing, the singing, the pyrotechnics... It was every bit the phenomenon it was made out to be. The Phantom was amazing, as were the rest of the characters. Hearing the music made me tear up, as always. Epic music does that to me. :P
The show ended, and we all gave an uproarious standing ovation. My throat was sore from hooting and hollering. An excellent sleep followed that, regardless of the number of rowdy fans who were making their presense quite known around the Colluseum across the street.
The next day we woke up and decided that, after a breakfast at the Denny's on Davie, we'd go to Science World - er, my bad, the Telus World of Science (fuckers...). That was rather special. Some interesting things in there, to say the least. My favourite was a cloud tank that made the trails of solar particles visible. That was awesome. But the children screaming, the abused animal pelts, and sounds of elecric currents screeching in my ears became too much for me in the end. After getting a slushie drink and retreating to watch a couple of educational shows, we headed out. My mom came and picked us up (she wasn't interested), we went to check out some stores.
I've decided that I want to move to Vancouver someday, or at least visit it a whole shitload. You should see the goth stores! If'n you're willing to shell out the bucks (around $80-$120 a pop), they've got some awesome pants and boots. The shirts are hawt, too. Adam managed to pick up around seventy-five bucks in cheap fabric, and I grabbed a pair of $10 sunglasses. :P It was cool.
After grabbing my blanket, which I'd accidentally forgotten at the hotel, we headed for the ferry. Normally my ferry rides are fairly uneventful, but this one decided to be otherwise. I'd decided to pass out in the car, because of this fact, but peoples' alarms kept going off, and I figured, since I wasn't going to sleep anyways, I'd go find my family. While we were up there, we encountered a young girl, around a year old, in the kids' area. I don't normally like kids, but this child was absolutely adorable. She was just learning to wave, apparently, and she kept looking at me and waving. When I'd respond in kind, she gave this fantastic grin, wide-mouthed and toothy (for all of the five-toothed glory available her). This simply didn't seem to get old, and while that would typically bother me, she had this wonderful charm to her that just made me love her. A little half-Japanese girl with her mother and father. Just adorable.
When they finally left for the outer deck, everyone suddenly began moving to the port of the ship. Confused, not having heard the announcement (my earphones were in), I went over to look. A pod of Orca whales was swimming around a hundred feet from the ship. It was awesome. There had to be at least thirty whales - a big pod. It was better than being in a whale-watching boat, and cheaper to boot! That rather franked me up, and the rest of the trip was good, if'n uneventful.
Got home, hung out for a bit, and then went over to the Chantry. Mike was in town and I hadn't hung out with him in a while, so I did that. Kelly then ran an awesome Hunter game, and 5M1L33 got to interview a demon. That was cool. Slept over there for the night, and then eventually went home and got ready for the Troupe game. Went in as a Malkavian who concerned a few people and I'm sure annoyed some others, but it was fun. Some asshole was apparently trying to interview people for some 'Internet show series' he was producing, but generally just annoying people. Special attention was paid to the females clad scantily (as is the wont of LARPers), and he was making some terribly uncomfortable. After being asked not to come to afters, he did anyways, and was quite heartily turned away, but not after quite a struggle. It took Roman, Joyee, Matt, Brian, and a man who actually worked at Boston Pizza getting in his face to actually get him to leave. That was stupid.
I got to meet Luke's girlfriend, though, and she seems pretty cool. Hung out at a table with her, Luke, Neil, Brock, and Calista. The latter seemed to be pretty at odds with the evening, however hyper she was. She franked back up in the car on the way home, though, so that was good. Passed out as soon as I got home.
This morning I woke up and showered, lazed about, and generally was useless until around five o'clock when I left for Neil's. Stupid Sunday bus service. But I statted up a groovy char, and watched The Day of the Triffids with Neil and Brock. Now that movie was ridiculous. XD It was fantastic, with terrible graphics, a dumbass premise, awful acting, and was generally badly done, but such was its charm. Kelly, Sheena, Dale, and Jen all stopped by and we chatted them up for a bit, and then Brock drove me home. Read some of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, and now it's ten to two.
What will tomorrow bring? We'll see. :D
P.S. VERBOSE!!!11one