Apr 17, 2011 14:02
In case you needed one here's a more simplified version of the rationalizations behind Senator Ryan's budget outline. Since 1935 the GOP has been teed off about having to accept a Social Security system in the U.S.; in other words, for seventy six (76) years these guys have held a grudge about the situattion and they're getting their revenge against Franklin Roosevelt , Senator Robert Wagner, and others. Is it that simple? Well, why else would we have the GAS BAG Limbaugh yelling about how the "Age of Roosevelt is over" on a constant basis. Consider, too, when Lyndon Johnson implemented the Medicare system in 1965, GOP leaders were against it, too; names, Everett Dirksen, Barry Goldwater, etc. So they're getting revenge on Johnson, too, and it only took forty six years.
Sign on Friday carried by local picketer on local street said, "Honk twice if you don't trust Congress"! I would like to ask, " HOw many times do I honk if I don't trust the Koch brothers, or Warren Buffet, or SArah Pallin?" I really don't think the fellow carry the sign would have understood the question, and it would not fit on a bumpersticker so it's an eggheaded question..