Title: His Coat
tardisblue Beta: The wonderful
wildwinterwitch Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything Doctor Who.
Author's Notes: Set in "Tooth and Claw"
“Would you like my coat?” the Doctor asked suddenly, breaking the momentary silence as they trudged behind Queen Victoria’s carriage.
“What?” Rose turned to look at him, tossing her head against the strong gusts of wind rolling across the moor.
“My coat,” the Doctor said again, keeping his gaze trained upon the horizon. “It’s a bit chilly, don’t you think? You could wear it if you want. My coat. If you’re cold, I mean,” he said quickly, sneaking a glance over at Rose.
A smile grew on Rose’s lips. “If you don’t mind,” she said.
He didn’t mind at all.