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Aug 01, 2020 21:56

A snippet turned summary of my life thus far.

I can't remember what it was like growing up in my home country since it was almost 17 years ago. I lived close to six years of my life there, but I don't have many actual memories of those years. I only have second hand accounts of those years. Only fragments of my life. I can't see a life other than the one I lead now. Mostly because well it's the first time in years that I've been truly happy and felt safe. I often felt like I wasn't really living. I learned to numb myself to my surroundings and by doing that I only saw what my mind felt was enough to be able to live the lie. If that makes sense.

Today seventeen years after the first step into my present and approximately eight months after the veil was lifted, I present to you ME. I'm still working on picking up the pieces of what the storm left behind, but with that in mind I can now say that I am more of myself than I have ever been. I feel like a part of me was always waiting for the storm to pass  and now that I am more sure of who I am, what I want to do, and why I want to do those things I can start to help myself and help others as well.

Now not too far into the future I might be able to take the first steps into making my dreams come true. I always wanted to be able to feel proud of myself and I now know that one day I will be.

Well that was the more personal me. Now to the hidden fan girl underneath  my calm nerd/quite girl disguise. Well I've always been the nerdy-geeky type of girl so my love for Doctor Who is only normal. Approximately six years ago I saw the show by accident on television and I was instantly hooked. I saw the episode Rose and I fell in love with the show. At the time I was more nerd/bookworm type so it didn't occur to me to look the show up. So i just patiently watched every episode on Saturdays and repeats on Sundays. But then the series finale came to an end and so did my first Doctor. I was left shocked (keep in mind that this was before I knew the whole regeneration tidbit) and bawling of course. But then right before the show ended there was a preview of the next season and needless to say I was confused. Long story short I love all my Doctors and Companions but Rose and Nine hold a special place in my heart. I am a full-fledged Whovian and no one can say contrary.

Fast forward to well today and I am infatuated with Asian Culture. I love dramas and so my curiosity led me to start watching a couple Korean Dramas. Then I came across T.O.P in IRIS and I was smitten. From there things took a very fast course and my world was introduced to new things like fan fiction, guys who are prettier than girls,more culture shocks, and tumblr (which contains all of prior mentioned). Well thanks to fan fiction and YunJae I created this account. So there you go. I love a million other things but this is the gist of it. Now you know about me YAY!


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