Title: The More We Get Together
tarimanveri Summary: "You blew up my ship, Carter?"
Rating: G
Warnings: all dialogue, no tags
Spoilers: "Ethon"
Word Count: 511
amyheartssirocRecipient: none
Originally archived at:
tarimanveri The More We Get Together
“So Jackson, where’s Sam?”
“She’s off telling Jack about how she blew up his ship.”
“But you know, I think it was more like how we collectively got her ship blown up, don’t you?”
“So she must be in the video conferencing room.”
“You wouldn’t be considering…”
“…Sneaking down there? Moral support? The family that saves together pays together?”
“Something like that. Me, too.”
“You’re on, Jackson.”
“You blew up my ship, Carter?”
“The weapon just cut through our shields like they weren’t there. We had no idea of...”
“So your intel was faulty.”
“Yes, sir.”
“The President is not pleased.”
“No, sir.”
“And you just got half of Earth’s interstellar fleet wiped out.”
“I know, sir.”
“At once.”
“Yes, sir.”
“With due respect sir, I did a lot of work on the Prometheus. I don’t think you’ll find anyone who feels worse about this than I do.”
“Oh, I don’t know about… Carter, are you crying?”
“No, sir.”
“Oh oh oh, Carter! What were we saying about those little white lies?”
“Only a bit, sir.”
“Daniel! Come to crash the party and brought company, I see.”
“Yes, Jack?”
“Give Carter a tissue and tell me, how did you get my ship blown up?”
“Well, technically, Jack, I was a hostage on the planet at the time and it wasn’t your…”
“Details, Daniel. Details. Mitchell, do you want to share?”
“We had no way of knowing about its weapons capacity, sir.”
“We’ve established that, Mitchell. Your intel was faulty. Why was your intel faulty?”
“I believe that SG-1 performed as positively as possible under the circumstances, O’Neill.”
“The gang’s all here.”
“The blame for this incident lies with each of us equally, O’Neill. It would be unfair to single out any one member of SG-1 for chastisement.”
“I’ll try and remember for next time. But for crying out loud, you all knew the plans were incomplete!”
“Not entirely, sir.”
“Never mind. Do you have any idea what you just put us through?”
“Well, considering we were there and at various times thought everyone else was dead…”
“Yes, Daniel! Key words here. Nice shiny boldface. Thought. Everyone. Was. Dead.”
“Many fine warriors are in fact dead, for which I am most regretful, as are we all.”
“Not many fine warriors, Teal’c. You! I thought you were dead! Yes, even you, Daniel ‘Ascend-me-anytime’ Jackson. Again!”
“Shouldn’t you be getting used to this by now, Jack?”
“Well, news flash, Daniel. It’s like saving the world. It never gets old. In the worst possible way.”
“So you miss us.”
“Whoa, Mitchell. It’s your job to keep your team safe and bring them home before there’s time for the SGC to get word to Washington that you’re dead.”
“You really miss us.”
“Yes, Carter, I miss you. Now all of you, go and cooperate with the investigation and start filling out the paperwork.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Always a pleasure, Jack.”
“Come on, Daniel, you know you love me.”
“In the future, try and stay out of trouble.”
“Call back anytime…”