
Jun 21, 2007 22:40

Some memes taken from stephantasy and heartofoshun.

About My Journal

My username is tarion_anarore because well, I can't really answer that because I'm not sure what possessed me. I like it though.

My journal is titled Someone is whispering softly to me because I have muses. It comes from a line in a TSO song from the album Beethoven's Last Night, expressing Beethoven's annoyance with his muses. I found I could relate perfectly.

My subtitle is (nonexistent) because the title is long enough already.
My friends page is called And They Said... because 1) it's not what I said and 2) it's this phrase my band director said everyday, and I am a band nerd. Still. Sadly. It will never go away.

My default userpic is this rose picture (for now) because I like it. It happens to go with my journal layout. It will change eventually.

1) What are you currently writing?
Define currently. Literally, right now, I am writing a blog entry. /smart@$$
I am not really writing anything. I've got some unfinished projects and some ideas floating around, but I haven't worked on anything in a good while. Though I guess you could say I am currently writing crack! because all of my ideas are wild and ridiculous, but I have a good time with them.

2) What have you started but not yet finished?
Jeez, pretty much anything that is not a drabble! The "Tale within a tale" challenge at HASA comes to mind. And the "Silmarils are an Elf's best friend" challenge/SWG December '05 challenge. Yes that's right. 2005. The SWG February 2006 Love challenge. Probably other things I can't remember at the moment...

3) What's your preferred genre?
Fantasy and modern day regular stuff (whatever genre that would be called), a mix of the two...

4) What's your favourite piece of all the things you've written?
Probably the drabble "Mercy". And my PicoWriMo piece, because it's not fanfic.

5) What's your least favourite?
Er... a lot. I despise a lot of my work. It doesn't always come easy, but unlike Oshun, whatever I get is usually something I dislike. This quote sums it up pretty well much of the time: "Writing is like constipation: all the straining and all you get is crap."

6) What's the longest you've written on a story?
I think that might actually be a little thing called "Nightfall" which isn't posted anywhere yet. It was written fairly recently though, so maybe it's a sign that I am coming out of my drabbles-only slump.

7) What story was the hardest to write?
Um...most of them. Probably the "Tale within a tale" challenge, anything serious with Feanorians...the 2005 SWG December challenge lately because my muse abandoned me.

8) What was the easiest to write?
Might be "Mercy" - maybe that's why I like it.

9) Who's your favourite character (of your own characters)?
Well, technically none of them are my characters (except two, but they're not my favorites). I think my favorite character to write might be Maedhros (even though it probably doesn't seem like I write about him much).

10) Who is the most complex character?
Carnistir - heck, even I don't have him figured out! Second is probably Maedhros.

Four Things

Name 4 books on your bookshelf:
The Silmarillion, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Prep, Who Moved My Cheese?

Name 4 DVDs in your collection:
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Phantom of the Opera (and sadly, that's basically the extent of my collection.)

Name 4 things on your walls:
A horse poster, bulletin board/dry erase board, various rosettes, music note Christmas garland

Name 4 things in your closet:
Stuffed animals, model horses, shoes, clothes...

Name 4 artists in your music collection (playlist or other):
Nightwish, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Matchbox 20, Vienna Teng

Name 4 real life stores you shop at regularly:
Safeway (grocery store), Petsmart, Office Max, Chipotle (does that count as a store?)

Name 4 TV shows you love to watch:
...None, really...I guess I'll name four shows I watch randomly. Hell's Kitchen, Ugly Betty...Desperate Housewives...Grey's Anatomy. The four shows I occasionally watch.

Name 4 animals that you've come face-to-face with in real life:
Aside from lots of pet/farm animals, foxes (hiking in the mountains), bats (in my backyard), sting rays (not in a zoo, in the ocean!), alligators (Louisiana, baby. You know those suckers eat marshmallows? Even the animals in New Orleans don't eat healthy. ;)

Name 4 things in your wallet/purse:
Insurance cards, driver's license, chapstick, check book.

Name 4 jobs you have had:
.........HA! Student, student, student, and oh yeah, camp counselor/riding instructor

Name 4 places you have been on vacation:
Ireland, Great Britain, Austria, Italy...

Name 4 websites you visit daily:
Livejournal, Facebook, Yahoo!mail,

Also, I'm hoping my netflix movies come tomorrow. Van Helsing, mmm shirtless Hugh Jackman! More Louis related love coming soon! We're having a dog day Saturday, so I will try to take lots of pictures of Louis, his sister, and a friend's puppy. Also, a cool little thing, Louis' uncle got an Award of Merit at the national! Cool!

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