Lost in Translation: a meme.

Sep 14, 2007 18:21

Taken from allie_meril.

Take a drabble and put it through a translator service and then translate it back.

I went from English to Spanish back to English.


The Original

“See that red flag? That means the tide is dangerously strong,” Erestor said, pointing with his sunglasses toward the flagpole at the beach entrance.

“Yeah? I think it means that the day is dangerously hot, and we should go swimming,” Elladan countered, tossing a brightly colored towel over the back of a lounge chair and kicking off his flip-flops.

“Besides, a red flag means perfect waves!” Elrohir chimed in, screwing the cap back on the bottle of sunscreen before tying the strap of his surf board around his ankle. “We’ll avoid going out too far!”

Erestor harrumphed and delicately spread his towel out on the soft sand. He glared at the twins’ retreating figures before putting on his sunglasses and opening a book.

“They are going to get themselves drowned one day,” he muttered.

“And I’m sure you’ll be there to witness it,” Glorfindel, who had previously been observing the scene with amusement, said from his place at the end of the towel, where he was attentively covering Erestor’s feet (and towel) with sand.

“It will - What are you doing?”

“Burying you.”

“You’re getting sand on my legs.”

“And your towel.”


Satisfied that Erestor’s legs were now firmly entrenched in sand, Glorfindel stood and looked down at Erestor.

“I’m going swimming,” he said with a smirk, hurrying toward the breaking waves.

“Glorfindel!” Erestor yelled, to no avail. He struggled to get up, succeeding in falling over and dropping his book. The copious amount of sand now caked on the pages fueled his growing irritation. He was also starting to get a sunburn on the back of his arms. He picked up the book, brushed off most of the sand, and gave in to the childish urge to kick sand in Glorfindel’s direction.

“I’m never coming to the beach again!”


The Translation

"It sees that red flag?  That signifies that the tide is dangerously strong," Erestor said, indicating with its sunglasses toward the shaft of flag in the entrance of the beach.

"Yes?  I think that signifies that the day is dangerously hot, and we should swim," Elladan contradicted, throwing a colored brilliantly towel on the back of a chair of the parlor and the to begin its blow-failures.

"Besides, a red media of the flag perfect waves"!  Elrohir touched in, curling the back of the cover in the bottle of suntan lotion before tying the strap of its board of swell around the ankle.  "We will avoid to leave too far"!

Harrumphed of Erestor and spreaded delicately its towel was in the smooth sand.  The it dazzled in the twins' being withdrawn the figures putting before its sunglasses and to open a book.

"They will obtain to itself they drowned a day," he murmured.

"And I am sure that you will be of there witness it," Glorfindel, that had been observing previously the scene with the diversion, he said of his place at the end of the towel, where he covered attentively feet of Erestor (and the towel) with the sand.

"He does - What do you do"?

"To bury him".

"You obtain the sand in legs".

"And its towel".

"Glorfindel"!  Satisfizo that legs of Erestor now were entrenched firmly in the sand, Glorfindel stopped and looked at down toward Erestor.

"I swim," he said with a smile affected, hurrying toward the waves that they break.  "Glorfindel"!  Erestor shouted, in vain.  The it fought for being raised, managing to fall and to drop its book.  The copious quantity of the sand now hardened in the pages supplied of fuel its growing irritation.  The it began also to obtain a burn of sun in the back of its armaments.  The it collected the book, removed most of the sand, and yielded before the childish impulse to kick the sand in the direction of Glorfindel.

"I never come to the beach again"!


Hehehehe....My favorite part is definitely "to begin its blow-failures". *snerk* And feet of Erestor sounds like an exotic dish. O.o
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