I like memes, okay.

Feb 24, 2009 22:36

Also use this for offscreen interaction, if you so desire, for either of mine.

Clothing/Appearance: Stiaan's almost always wearing plain clothing, sturdy but made of ordinary materials, in plain dull colors. There are two exceptions to the general plain-ness; one is the ivory tiara he's always, always wearing (unless he's using it to heal someone, and then he's going to be right there.) He also always wears a platinum bracelet set with an onyx -- a gift from Edward. Both of these radiate some amount of energy; the tiara overwhelmingly, the bracelet a lot less so.

Physically, Stiaan can pass for an extremely pretty late teenager/young adult -- if you ignore the silver hair and white skin. He's built light and slender, though fairly tall. Eyes look silver at a distance, but are actually very pale blue.

Habits/Mannerisms: Stiaan sort of radiates restful stillness when he's not agitated; Kastor keeps comparing him to a temple statue. He gestures when he talks, but in a very controlled way; likewise, he's very earnest when he talks, but also doesn't tend to misspeak or correct himself. He's very light and graceful on his feet unless he's very, very tired or depressed/numb (which has happened in canon).

His personal space bubble corresponds to how much he likes you, pretty much. He'll always respect your bubble unless he's very close to you and you're comfortable having him in your base -- which basically means Mikah and Edward at this point, and maybe Serifar (though for the latter, it's for Serifar's benefit more than Stiaan's.) He will probably not let you drape on him unless he likes you, but he'll tolerate minor physical contact without much problem if you're reasonably friendly and clearly not hitting on him -- he's taken.

Current Residence: In the Mara House, in the forge/laboratory.

Daily Schedule: Stiaan doesn't really have a set schedule; he doesn't need to sleep, but he usually does because curling up with one's boyfriend is very pleasant every night. He's up fairly early, and depending on the day, spends time in the library, in the lab doing sorcerous experiments, in the lab molesting his boyfriend, or wandering around camp people-watching or investigating things of interest. He checks in with people he knows and likes every so often, and occasionally eats in the mess hall when they serve something that looks good or that he hasn't had before. He spends time with Mikah every day, most likely, and at least talks to Kas and Capell and Serifar.

Favorite Haunts: Mara House, library, onsen when people he likes are there, otherwise pretty flexible.

Bed Making: Probably, but it has a tendency to get messed up again before nightfall. >_>

Clothing/Appearance: Morrolan is always dressed in fine, well-tailored clothing, predominantly black and silver, generally with a military sort of cut. He wears an amulet in the shape of a dragon's head; the eyes are colored stones which denote his family line. He takes good care of his appearance -- takes care of his nails, makes sure his hair is brushed and managed, et cetera. He is always carrying the greatsword Blackwand, in a worn, well-used leather sheath (which is enchanted to mitigate her aura).

Physically, Morrolan is over seven feet tall, skinny as a rail, and has slightly pointed ears. He has an angular face and a widow's peak in black hair.

Habits/Mannerisms: Morrolan's speech patterns are his big mannerism; he talks like he's from the original Three Musketeers. (More accurately, camp translates him in this way.) He's very confident in his movements and gestures, and he's always balanced and ready for battle -- not in a twitchy way, but sort of as a natural outgrowth of his personality. He is A Warrior and stands, moves and acts like one.

Morrolan's very reserved about personal space; it's terribly rude to invade someone else's or have his invaded, so he doesn't unless you're very close to him/he feels paternal towards you (Church Shack types, this means you) and you need comforting. Even then, he'll pat you on the shoulder rather than hug you. In the excess of victory he might do the same to a fellow warrior, manly shoulder-clap style. Otherwise he's very courtly in his gestures and when and how he initiates or allows contact. If you are harmless and very, very determined he may tolerate being draped on, but that's a category reserved for people like Peppo.

Current Residence: Cabin Clear. Arguably, also the Barsburg Church Shack.

Daily Schedule: Morrolan wakes up early, kills the gorillas who are coming to wake him, and after this invigorating morning exercise goes to find breakfast and klava (or coffee, if he's forced to). He often then goes to the library to read, or patrols the outskirts of camp looking for dangerous things headed inward. He'll almost always find himself at the Church Shack -- if he didn't fall asleep there -- to chat with his people, work on some project or other with Castor (they have a lot of these in various stages of completion), check in with Hakuren and Teito and Mikage, and just generally be amiable and hang out. If he wants to relax, he'll get a party together and raid the Caves of Despair for weapon drops and various ritual ingredients.

Favorite Haunts: Church Shack, Caves of Despair, library, mess hall.

Bed Making: Always, if he uses it. Falling asleep on a comfortable chair in the Church Shack probably doesn't count.

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