Hello all, my name is Isabel, and I've recently discovered the wonder of the Tarot.
It's kind of funny, really. I was in a game with some others that was loosely based on the deck, and instead of just, dabbling, I started to feel a real pull, toward the cards and their meanings. I bid on a deck online. There were no other bids for almost 48 hours, and I really thought I might get it - then I felt that pull again, and just couldn't wait, so I went out and bought my first deck. Then, when I got home, I checked it again, and I had been outbid. By the time stamp on it, it had happened less than ten minutes after I had left the house.
My friend thinks that the Universe told the other bidder that it was okay to have those cards, since I had made other arrangements for myself, so to speak, but I think that the pull I was feeling was the Universe telling me I needed THIS deck, not the one online, and that I was going to be outbid anyway!
When I was at the store, I was really disappointed. There's not much selection in my local. Mostly Oracle cards, and while I'm sure they have their place, they weren't what I was looking for. I scanned down a bunch of shelves, then I found the shelf dedicated to actual Tarot decks. My deck, the one I bought, just leaped out at me. It was almost like the others were in black and white, and my deck was the only one in color, haha. I guess it was meant to be? It's a Rider Waite, miniature, and I love it. It feels like I can't keep my hands off it.
My "favorite" card is the two of swords. Not because I think it particularly pertains to me, but because it was the first card to speak up, to talk to me, in a deck that seemed, that first day anyway, a little shy and reticent. Now they're all clamoring to talk to me! Such a friendly and welcoming deck.
I hope I haven't made myself sound crazy, and I hope to make some new friends with similar interests, and especially to talk about the cards in depth. Sometimes I get really, um, what's the word... fixated on one card and what I see in it and what I think it's telling me, and I love talking it over with other people. Unfortunately the guy I live with thinks they're nothing more than a fun party game. :( Oh well, this is long enough, nice to meet you all!