First LJ post in ages...

Jul 19, 2011 23:12

...and it's about HPDH (tm) 7B. Or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows The Movie Part Two, as it's otherwise known. I had thoughts during the movie, and I want to share them with you guys. This started out in order, but I remembered other stuff as I went along and couldn't be bothered changing it.

1) (As Voldie takes the wand out of the grave) "A wizard's staff has a knob on the end"...and their wands have a couple along the shaft too, it seems

2) I love Helena Bonham Carter, especially when she's acting like a naive girl acting like she's crazy

3) Hermione has no right to call the methods goblins use to train vicious animals horrible considering that she and her friends have just twice used magic to take away the will of another sentient creature

4) I love dragons, and leaving aside the usual complaints about their impossibility, that one would never be able to fly if it had been cooped up underground for at least 6 and possibly 600 years without a chance to exercise

5) Why hasn't Harry learnt NOT to dive into water while carrying evil-soul-containers?

6) Aberforth...isn't that the one who did something to some goats, some time back in another book?

7) I really hate that scene when they lock up the Slytherins. WW2 internment camps, anyone? That bothered me most about the book too - if they're trying to say that people aren't evil based on the house they're put in when they start school, using those same simple lines to divide the kids is sorta contradictory.

8) I think that they would have had more time if they'd decided to wait out the hour, that was never five minutes an hour

9) Voldemort's a tentacle monster! And also either a bit of a pedophile or that hug he gave Draco was just reeeeeally awkward

10) 3D was kinda pointless in that movie until that end death scene. Which I also found strangely unsatisfying.

11) Hagrid must have been exceedingly distraught not to notice Harry's lack of room-temperature status.

12) I love Alan Rickman. Now I want to rewatch Galaxy Quest. Now I'm picturing Snape whispering "By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged" in that death scene... which kinda ruins it a bit.

13) WTF is a first year doing with a ferret? I had issues enough with Neville being allowed a toad in the first book, which was clearly just because Trevor was so awesome they had to make an exception, and now there are corvidae and weasels at Hogwarts? Totally unfair. I'm glad they left out the 'Draco ended up arrogant and a bit evil' bit from the coda, though.

Additional edits
14) I was a little uncomfortable the only female ghost that came to Harry was his mother. I felt as Tonks should at least have been there as well!

15) Creepy-child-Snape is creepy. Seriously, that kid looked like something Moffat would have written on a bad day.

All the snark aside, I rather enjoyed the movie. Of course there were bits left out, some of them better than others. And it was very pretty, even if I didn't pay as much attention to the musical elements as some people did., anyone up for a marathon (+/- drinking game) when the dvd's out?

bookworm stylings, life. don't talk to me about life.

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