Title: Instincts
Continuity: DC New 52 (See Note)
Characters: Batman, Superman, Green Lantern
Pairing: Pre-pre Batman/Superman
Summary: Batman meets Superman, but they don’t fight, because Bruce’s instincts give him pause.
Rating: G
Genre: Character Study
Word Count: 982
Note: I wrote this in September of 2011. It is ONLY based on the end of
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Comments 2
There was heavy silence for a moment, and the alien's eyes flicked to where he had flung Green Lantern into a pile of rubble. Bruce had been carefully not looking.
What a great moment. :)
Bruce's hypothesis of an alien charisma field is the best! And this:
Hal was pushing himself up to full consciousness, or what passed for consciousness for him
*snork* Oh, I will probably never get enough of JL Batman insulting Hal, the poor dope. :) At least he stops punching long enough to talk to Superman, though!
And Hal... well, this is my old-school personal favorite: http://theguacamolelantern.tumblr.com/post/7045390829/hal-jordan-doesnt-even-have-an-apartment
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