I am clearly Ms. Posty Mcposterson today. DOCTOR WHO TIME.
1. While the Silence are creepy, I think they're not as terrifying as the weeping angels were in Blink (I think the angels got less terrifying in the later episodes). The angels are not at all human, obviously, but they also don't really feel like creatures, whereas the Silence are more or less built like a person and wear suits.
2. Rory in a suit and '60s glasses! River in a suit!
4. Riiiiiiiver. :( The flirting was awesome, the kiss was hot (oh Doctor, you so flail), the ending of it was saaaad. But I'm totally on board with Doctor/River now. Especially in combination with...
5. Amy/Rory. I was grumpyface when I thought she was talking about the Doctor, and when I found out she wasn't I was YAY.
6. Time head.... regenerating girl! Hmm.
7. I love how much less coherent (and longer) my Doctor Who write-ups are compared to my White Collar ones.