This Machine Called Man (Masterpost)

Sep 29, 2012 15:03

Title: This Machine Called Man
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock&John, ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 29,000
Disclaimer: This is a transformative work of the BBC’s Sherlock, which itself is a transformative work. Fun, not profit!
Warnings: canon-typical violence, gore, and bad decisions; brief discussion of hypothetical cannibalism, sex bots
Notes: Originally written and posted on the sherlockbbc_fic kinkmeme, there titled Identification. Massively edited and expanded for robotbigbang. It will have two sequels, and if you read the fic on the meme you’re going to want to reread before you read the sequels. Thanks to beta miss_sabre and britpicker rhuia, and to co-brainer, enabler, ninja-artist, and beta call_me_ishmael. Further notes, including abundant thanks, are to be found in the author’s notes.
Summary: London, 2081. John Watson, former army roboticist, has an expired licence and an illegal tri-wing screwdriver in his desk. Sherlock Holmes has fingerprints and a name, and in an office somewhere in Whitehall there are blueprints for the metal underneath his perfect, artificial skin.

Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven

Author’s Notes/Playlist/Links

Art Masterpost, by call_me_ishmael

Begin at the beginning...

fandom: sherlock, series: identification, genre: casefic, relationship: sherlock&john, genre: pre-slash, length: chaptered, rating: pg-13, genre: au, challenge: robotbigbang, theme: robots

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