I see your name on my flist so often I was surprised to discover that we're not actually friends! I thought you just didn't post often. This is my attempt to rectify that situation.
I'm currently annoying the hell out of my flist by getting everyone to refriend me on my new lj. The old one was bad and had to be punished. Plese consider this my official request to be friended; my old name can be found in my first post on ledgerlines. :)
Hey there. I'm always up for new friends so an add would be great (I feel like I've seen your name on one or more friend's LJs... Pip, or Laura, or maybe Molly. Not sure). But I'm also looking for a couple of locked fics as well, posted to the Dom/Viggo community last year. One is "Song Sung Again" and the other is "Free Verse."
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