Careful. I here TC has bad traffic. Go to streeters. Josh says the best bar is Union Street Station...he grew up there (grup) and he should know. I am two shots of expensive whiskey and a bottle of wine in. I'm on the second bottle and lost a cookie. I love Michigan...don't tell too many peopel, I don't want it getting think about how lucky you are, even if you only know a few people..that's a few more than zero.
Actually we didn't even leave the hotel. BTW I love this reply. Whiskey and wine, huh? I'm sorry you lost a cookie! And I love MI too, but I won't tell anybody.
Oh Dangle. I love this picture. I didn't jog your memory I hit it over the head with a turkey. Okay I don't know where I got a turkey but I didn't want to write hammer because that's unoriginal. And I'm totally original.
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