Title: The King's Boy Consort
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Odin/Loki, fluffy Thor/Loki
Word Count: 653
Summary: Thor Kink Meme: Thor accidentally stumbles across or overhears Odin fucking an unwilling Loki. Thor has to deal with this somehow.
Warnings/ Kinks: rape, gay, incest
It wasn't the whimpers or the little gasps and pants that bothered Thor as he rolled over and pulled his pillow over his head. It wasn't the hissed out “Quiet, boy!” that might as well have been bellowed across the hall, as loud as it fell on Thor's ears. It wasn't knowing exactly what was going on, because Mother was away and this had been going on ever since Loki hit puberty.
It was afterward, when Loki would shuffle back into the room, quiet as a phantom, how he would look at Thor, to make sure his older brother wasn't awake. How the boy wanted to hide it, to make sure Thor never knew what went on. It was the crying, with the pale little face buried in the pillow, only sniffling heard. It bothered him how much pain Loki was in and he could do nothing about it, not unless the younger boy came to his brother about it. Loki was convinced that Thor didn't know what went on when the boy slipped out to their father's room at night.
Of course he knew. He would have to be deaf and blind to not notice the way Loki's demeanor shifted so drastically after spending the night with Father. The bruises. The crying so easily. He never bothered to try and stop it. That was his father, and father could do no wrong. It must just be something he did not understand. He would stay awake until Loki's crys had calmed and he was breathing peacefully.
Odin had never thought he'd have such thoughts about a man, or about a child he had reared, not until they started coming to him in odd moments when Loki was a teenager, catching a glimpse of a sheen in his hair, or his lithe form slipping into clothes. It was so easy to convince the boy. He would do anything for his father's love and affection. Anything to be held up on the same pedestal as Thor.
He would even sacrifice something he once enjoyed to his father. He had, of course, interest in men, and Odin was far from his first, but he was his last. After that, the very thought of letting another man rut in him only served to remind him of the bile that rose into his throat, the pain that Odin brought him.
There was so much pain. Odin demanded silence, and to defy his father would only bring further punishment. Lokit would mutter to himself, distractions, magics, anything to bring his mind from his battered body. This particular night Odin had come to his wit's end with it and sewed the boy's mouth shut, Loki stood humiliated but did not protest. It hurt, but not as bad as what was to come, he knew.
He was correct, it was the most brutal of his life. Loki's blood still on his fingers, Odin plunged two thick digits into the boy in a mockery of foreplay, serving only to bring tears to the boy's eyes, even though he was grateful to be a bit more physically prepared when Odin thrust his manhood into the boy. It lasted an eternity, as it always did, before the Allfather finished and told Loki he was dismissed, placing a kiss on the boy's forehead with a twisted smile.
Loki curled up in his own bed, picking at the string that bound his mouth together, slowly helping it come free and licking the blood that flooded into his mouth and onto his pillow.
He had been so wrapped up in the pain of removing his stitches, he didn't hear Thor pad across the room, didn't notice him until the eldest's body was pressed against his, a strong arm over Loki's body. Loki tensed, then slowly relaxed into his brother's arms as Thor's breath deepened to a snore.
Not a word needed to be said between them.
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Thor Kink Meme